Chapter 21

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Day Three. Ten Days Remain.

Training Gymnasium, Morningstar Keep

"Oh come on," Daken whined, examining his training apparatus. "I get all dressed up in my nice red vest for you guys, and you don't even have the decency to step forward and put a nick on me."

An odd expression had begun to grow on Isaac's face after Kat shambled back to her comrades with head hung in defeat. Isaac quickly looked from Uriel to Kat and then broke into maniacal laughter, clutching at his sides and then falling to the ground, kicking in hysteria. Embarrassed, Uriel and Kat inched away ever so slightly from this display.

Daken raised an eyebrow curiously. "Something funny, cup-check?"

Isaac's laughter slowed and he raised himself into a sitting position. He wiped a tear from his eye and grinned happily. "Yeah. You are."

Daken's gaze tightened. "Excuse me?"

"I said you're funny," Isaac replied flatly as he hopped up and began to stretch his arms. "This whole 'tough-guy, Angel of Death' thing you've got going on? It's funny. I like it."

"Is someone jealous they aren't the center of attention?" Daken fired back.

Isaac doubled over laughing yet again. "Jealous?" he said, regaining his composure. "No, that's not quite it. It's more like I'm..." Isaac eagerly whipped his head up to meet Daken's gaze, "excited."

"Isaac," Uriel whispered harshly, "don't do anything stupid. You saw the way he can fight; it almost isn't even human. Just get the test over with, there's no reason to tick him off or, you know... risk your cup."

Isaac turned to Uriel, winked, and then turned back towards Daken. "Let's make this interesting. If I'm able hit one of your vitals during my test then..." Isaac paused for a moment and tapped his chin in thought. "I get your watch."

"And if you don't?" Daken pressed, raising an eyebrow.

Isaac shrugged. "Then I fail immediately."

Uriel's jaw dropped. Kat stomped her foot against the floor angrily. "Are you absolutely nuts? What the hell are you thinking?" Kat shouted at Isaac.

"Do we have a deal?" Isaac asked.

"Hoo boy, Lady Vigilant would not like that," Daken remarked with a current of intrigue, weighing his options. "But sure, what the hell. If this really is some grand plan, let's push some pieces around the board. There's about a dozen people better qualified for your job anyways," Daken said with a nod, smiling devilishly.

"Good. Whew. And I was worried that today was going to be boring," Isaac mused as he skipped over to the weapon rack. He scanned the armaments and then walked over to a row of wooden daggers. Grabbing two, he tested their weight and speed. Nodding with satisfaction, he set the daggers on the floor for a moment and then pulled yet another dagger off the rack. A puzzled look on his face, Isaac glanced around the room. "Does anyone have any tape?" he asked hopefully.

Daken looked dumbfounded. "Tape? Did you forget what you're doing already?"

Isaac frowned. "No, I know exactly what I'm doing," he replied indignantly. "I just need some tape to do it." He thumbed through his pockets for a moment and then smiled. "Ah ha!" he exclaimed excitedly as he pulled a small roll of masking tape from his pocket. "Nevermind, I brought my own!"

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