Chapter 45

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Day Seven. Six Days Remain.

Streets of Asylum

The squad slowly made their way around Asylum as Daken pointed out every potential vantage point, every flanking position and every defensible area. Just in case. As they walked, the townspeople cheered for their guardians. Men and women thanked the team as they walked by, while small children ran up and tugged at their sides for a chance to swing a sword. Vendors shoveled what little samples of their goods they could spare into the hands of the Shepherds, insisting it was a gift even as they attempted to refuse. Even the most downcast of shacks opened their doors for a chance to see their warriors striding through the streets.

Kat smiled as a young boy clumsily tried on her mask. "I'm not used to being a hero. It's kind of nice," she remarked happily.

Jonathan nodded. "Even if it isn't why we take the job, it's important to feel like this every once and while." He paused and knelt down, carefully handing an eager young girl his saber and helping her through a few strokes of the blade. "When you're in the Brigade, it's easy to get consumed by the fight. You see the world as one battle after another, us versus the Nephilim, and we forget to enjoy the world we're fighting to save."

"The last time we tried to get to know some townspeople in Haven, they were ready to bash Isaac's brains across the floor," Uriel said with a chuckle as he fired off some small sparks of Dawn for a group of children. "So this is a welcome change of pace."

"Mr. Shepherd, can I tell you something?" the young girl holding Jonathan's blade asked, looking up at him.

Jonathan crouched down and put a hand playfully on top of the child's head. "Of course. What's your name?" he said with a beaming smile.

"My name is Jael," she beamed back cheerfully. "What's yours?"

"My name is Jonathan," he said, ruffling her hair. "I like your name very much, Jael. Now, what did you want to tell me about?"

She puffed out her chest and held out Jonathan's saber as fearsomely as she could. "When I grow up, I want to join the Brigade! Just like you!" Jael said as she eagerly swung the weapon through the air. "I'm going to get stronger and fight the Nephilim, like the Shepherds do."

Jonathan's smile fell and his eyes began to cloud. He was silent a moment, but then quickly offered another soft smile. "That's very noble of you, Jael. But do you want to know a little secret? You can't tell anyone, but I'll share it with you if you like," he said, leaning in close.

"I can keep a secret," Jael said solemnly, offering her ear.

"I hope that when you grow up, we won't need people like me anymore. I hope that no one will have to fight anymore." He took his saber from her hands and sheathed it in his scabbard. "I hope that you'll never have to hold another sword in your life," he said quietly as he stood back up.

Jael giggled. "You're a funny kind of Shepherd, mister Jon," she said as she patted his hand and then ran back over to her friends.

Jonathan sighed and shook his head. "Yeah. Yeah, I suppose I am." He turned back to the group and shrugged. "Kids these days."

"Well, don't get too comfortable. We've still got a power cell to switch out and a reboot cycle to survive," Daken reminded them dourly, shaking a kid off of his leg. "Uriel, you getting any tinglies over there yet?"

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