Chapter 33

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Day Five. Eight Days Remaining.

Amos' Chapel, Haven

"Let's move, Black Cats," Artemis shouted down the hallway. "Come on, get on up! We've got baddies to brawl. Good for the body, good for the soul," she said eagerly.

Uriel rolled out of bed lazily, tumbling onto the ground. "Ow." He muttered, getting to his feet and brushing himself off. Uriel shut the door to his room and exhaled nervously, giving himself a moment alone. "It's not a big deal." He said quietly, taking out his Brigade uniform and putting it on. "It's your first mission, but you aren't new to this. You've literally done it in your sleep," he insisted, opening his armor case and beginning to strap the silver pieces on. "And it's for dad," he said softly, staring at his mask before placing it over his face and closing it over his head. "The stronger I get, the faster I bring him back." He glanced briefly over at a nearby mirror, examining the Shepherd that stood in his reflection. "I remember when I used to get up and not have to fight monsters. Those were good times." Then he threw open his door and walked out into the hallway, a warrior.

"Oof," Isaac grumbled, wiping his eyes after bumping into Uriel. Their masks thunked against their faces as they collided. "You know, they say idle hands are the devil's workshop, but it's waking up that's making me want to kill somebody," he mused as the two of them shuffled downstairs. "Though, I guess that's kind of the job now."

"Ah, I love the joy on the faces of a few Shepherds about to depart on their first mission," Amos bellowed happily. "Come on down to the table, I whipped up a little something something for you all before you head out. And don't worry, a little hard labor never killed anybody," Amos said, slapping Isaac on the back as they walked to the table where Artemis sat.

Uriel tried to muster a frown, but simply yawned instead. "You know, if I had the energy, I'd be telling you how wrong you are right now, Fisher." He flipped up his mask and slid a piece of bread into his mouth as he sat, shaking the last remants of sleep away. "But thank you."

"Oho, seems someone's still a little tired. Just have a little of my special lemonade with your breakfast, that'll perk you right up," Amos said with a smile as he laid platters of toast and fruit in front of the boys.

"Yes sir!" Isaac said, flipping his own mask up with a smile. He quickly grabbed a cup, filled it with lemonade and began to chug its contents furiously as Artemis tried to pull her mission documents out of the young Shepherd's splash radius.

Uriel managed to shoot Isaac a drowsy frown. "You're a little gross, you know that?"

Isaac shrugged, wiping his mouth as he set the cup down. "I left my shame behind long ago. And I don't know why you guys don't like this stuff, it tastes amazing!" he said, excitedly refilling his glass.

Uriel scanned the table quickly. "Looks like Kat somehow managed to sleep through Amos' bell." He stood up from the table, placing another piece of toast into his mouth as he began to head back upstairs. "I'll go grab her."

Uriel rubbed at his eyes as he made his way down the hall, grabbing the knob to Kat's door and absentmindedly opening it. "Hey Kat, it's time to-" His voice stopped cold as his eyes began to process the blurry form in front of him.

"Enjoying the view?" Kat asked, raising an eyebrow as she looked back over her bare shoulder at Uriel. The firm ridges of her muscular back were softly outlined by the cool light of the evening streaming through the window.

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