Chapter 47

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153 A.E.F.

Asylum Chapel

"This is the last time I am going to tell you: Stay here," Eli ordered, strapping on the last few pieces of his armor.

"But I can help!" Daken insisted, picking up Eli's sword and chasing after him.

Eli shook his head and grabbed his weapon from the boy. "Not a chance. Nephilim are dangerous, especially when they've just entered Eden. I shouldn't even be doing this. If the entry coordinates weren't so close to the town, I'd be calling in Shepherds to deal with it," he admitted. "So, you're staying in the chapel where it's safe. End of discussion," Eli commanded as he walked out the front door and slammed it shut behind him.

He breathed in the cool night air and slid his blade out from its sheath. Using a fingertip crackling with white energy to illuminate the darkness, Eli descended into the rocky crags below. His eyes analyzed every shadow as he moved through the rugged terrain, each darkened boulder a new threat to assess. The gleaming silver of his sword shone brightly against the worn browns and blacks of the rock labrynith surrounding him. He nearly leapt into the air as a pile of rubble crumbled behind him, but quickly gained his composure.

"I could've sworn the instruments had said the point of disturbance was somewhere around here..." Eli grumbled, scanning his surroundings. Sitting down on a rounded outcrop, he pulled a small map out from his coat pocket and held it up next to a hastily scribbled collection of numbers. "Assuming this map is correct, I should be right on top of the target," he said, squinting down at the dimly lit papers. "It's possible they've moved by now, but in the berserk state the Nephilim enter in, I wouldn't think they would-" Eli's words dropped off as he glanced up from his documents to see a massive boulder hurtling towards him.

"I hate being right," he cursed as he jumped out of its path with milliseconds to spare. The rocks broke into shards of stone as they collided, spraying the recovering Eli with a shower of dust.

A low, feral snarl filled the air. "Leave. Me. Alone!" a pained voice roared, piercing the silence of the night.

Eli scowled as he stood up and brushed the brown powder off of his overcoat. "See, you should really open with that," he called out into the darkness, straining his eyes to try to find any trace of his attacker. "It's a lot less persuasive after you've thrown the giant rock at me."

The creature let out another growl in response. "Go away!" it shrieked as a second slab rocketed out from the murky distance.

"For the record, that was not an invitation to throw a second one at me!" Eli yelled, closing one eye for focus as he extended his flaming finger. He swiftly raised his thumb, his hand kicking back as he fired a bolt of Dawn into the incoming projectile. The moment the crackling white shell made contact with the boulder, it erupted in a blast of silver combustion and consumed the rock in a brilliant flash of light.

Eli gritted his teeth as the cliffside fell into total darkness. "I really wish I had one of those new night-vision masks right about now," he said as he furiously snapped his fingers in an attempt to ignite a new flame.

Suddenly, Eli cried out in pain as claws slashed through his coat and raked into the soft, unprotected flesh of his waist. He fell forward to his knees as red-hot blood began spilling out of the wound, his arms shaking as he held his crimson stained hand up to his face. The small, white embers on his left palm burned into a silver blaze as he whirled around, blade ready to strike. "Alright, now you've got my attention," he said, his gaze taut with irritation.

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