Chapter 61

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Day Nine. Four Days Remain.

Chariot Crash Site, Eden

"Give me that fruit!" Faust roared, leaping out of the crater and charging towards Jonathan with a blazing black sword in hand.

Jonathan smiled, hurling the fruit high into the air and spinning out of the way of Faust's reckless swipes. Just as his attacker passed, Jonathan whirled around and fired another shot of Dawn into his adversary's back at point blank range. Faust howled with pain as the force of the blast sent him violently tumbling into the forest. "That's for threatening Uriel," the Shepherd barked, extending his arm and opening his hand just in time to catch the Fruit of Life.

"Jonathan, how are you even standing?" Uriel wheezed as the Shepherd ran over to his side. "Last time I checked, you were... well..."

"Dying?" Jonathan offered with a soft chuckle. "That Fruit's juice has one heck of a kick to it, especially when you take twice the recommended dose. Granted, that level of concentrated exposure had a fifty-fifty chance of just straight-up killing me, but whatever," he explained with a shrug.

Uriel frowned. "Artemis and Kat... are they alright?"

Jonathan nodded. "They're fine. Sleeping like babies behind the Chariot." His face fell as he lowered his gaze to Isaac's withered form. "Is he-"

"Yes," Uriel answered, his voice wavering between anger and pity.

"We'll have time to mourn him or despise him or remember him, or whatever it is we're supposed to do, after this is all over," Jonathan said, putting a hand on Uriel's shoulder. "Can you move?"

Uriel shook his head. "I can barely even lift my arms. That pitiful little punch was the last bit of strength I had left," he said, wincing with pain as he attempted and failed to move. "Whatever I just did, it was everything. I'm sorry."

"Are you insane? That was incredible!" Jonathan said, trying to suppress a laugh. "I mean, it was completely terrifying, but incredible. You protected us, Uriel. You did your part. All you've got to do now," he said, taking off his jacket and wrapping it around the barebacked Uriel, "is try to avoid catching a cold. I'll take care of the rest."

Uriel's arm shot out and grabbed hold of Jonathan's wrist as he began to walk away. "Do you think it's true? Do you think what I said when I was like that is really true? Am I a... an angel?" he asked quietly. His hand fell from Jonathan's. "Am I not human?"

Jonathan didn't look back. "Whatever you are, you're still Uriel. You're still my friend and my comrade. And I'm getting you out of here. Nothing else matters," he said, climbing out of the crater and readying his sword.

A plume of angry black flames erupted from deep within the woods, rocketing up against the dimly lit sky and then crashing into the ground a few yards from Jonathan's feet. "You've gotten two lucky shots in," Faust growled, seething with dark energy, "there won't be a third."

"There doesn't have to be," Jonathan said, sliding the Fruit of Life back into its container on his hip. He sheathed his sabre and extended an open hand towards Faust. "We don't have to fight."

Faust froze. The flames lining his form died down. "What?" he demanded.

Uriel clawed his way over to the edge of the crater and craned his head over. "Jonathan," he hissed, fighting to stay awake as he faded in and out of consciousness, "what the hell are you doing?"

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