Chapter 60

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Day Nine. Four Days Remain.

Chariot Crash Site, Eden

Isaac fell to his knees. "So this is the power of an angel?" he marveled, his eyes darting over every inch of Uriel's form. He tossed aside the detonator, smashing it under his feet like a now-unwanted toy. "It's beyond anything I could've imagined." He shivered with excitement. "To hold it, just for a moment. I would give anyth-"

Uriel thrust his hand out, his fingertips hovering just before Isaac's chestplate. A small sphere of white fire hovered in front of his palm for a moment, then blazed into a massive beam of infernal energy. The burning ray struck Isaac squarely in the chest, nearly shattering his silverwood armor as it sent him hurtling back into the Chariot.

"Yes," Isaac murmured eagerly as he slowly began to recover from the blow. "This is true strength. This is what I have waited so long to see!"

"Isaac," Uriel called out in his choral voice, hovering inches about the ground and floating towards his enemy.

Isaac smiled. "Yes, Uriel?"

Uriel's flames blazed angrily. "You will not hurt them."

"Why not?" he challenged.

"Because you're going to die here, Isaac. It's over."

"You're going to kill me?" Isaac said, laughing hysterically and wiping a tear from his eye. "Oh, Uriel, that's what I like about you: You always know how to make me laugh." He sighed and shook his head. "You're not a killer. Not really, anyway. Sure, you took down some Nephilim, but those were just targets. Ordered objectives," Isaac said with a shrug. "To take that blade and draw it across a neck you know? Well, that takes something you'll never have. Trust me."

"Do not test me," Uriel answered, opening his empty palm. White sparks rushed to his hand, racing along the air and collecting into the form of a second, flaming blade.

Isaac cackled to himself. "Don't test you?" he repeated mockingly, drawing his daggers and charging towards Uriel. "But that's exactly what I'm here to do."

Uriel remained motionless as Isaac sprinted towards him with blinding speed. Breathing out gently, Uriel saw the entire attack in slow-motion. Isaac's left dagger swung for Uriel's right hip. Uriel's silverwood blade effortlessly intercepted the blow. Isaac whirled his body around the other side of Uriel and attempted to slash at Uriel's neck with his right dagger. Uriel's blade of Dawn stopped the attack dead in its tracks. Isaac whipped the dagger in his boot at Uriel's ankle. Uriel caught the knife tip between his fingers. Their movements were nothing but violent blurs to the naked eye, but Uriel blocked every single one of Isaac's strokes without even moving his legs.

"The ability to instantaneously heal wounds, conjure endless weapons, and even wield the primordial energies of creation itself," Isaac said, licking his lips. "Is anything beyond this power?"

"Silencing you, apparently," Uriel said as he grabbed hold of Isaac.

Isaac smirked. "You know, you really should be thanking us," he said, looking down into Uriel's burning eyes. "That mark you were given by Lilith is the reason you're finally able to assume your true form. Lady Vigilant would have been content to simply allow you to slowly build your power for eternity, using pitiful amounts and then throwing them away." Isaac tapped on Uriel's chest. "The mark stored your power, if somewhat forcibly. It was preparing you for this moment, for the chance to unleash all your strength at once and embrace this magnificent evolution of existence." He placed a hand on Uriel's cheek. "Don't you see? You should be thanking me. I'm no enemy of yours, Uriel. I'm your guardian angel."

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