Chapter 69

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Halls of Morningstar Keep

"That... that thing was not Lila," Daken gasped as the group huddled in a small room, the sounds of battle raging outside. He frowned, looking over at Uriel. "And when the hell did you get wings? And why is Lady Vigilant so much scarier when she's not on fire?"

Artemis retracted her blade, crossed her arms and walked to the center of the room. "I wish we had time to chat, but the Keep is under siege. We have to keep moving. What's our plan?"

"There is no plan," Uriel said, walking towards the door. "I'm going to make a break for the transportation room. Once I'm there, I'll transport to Earth, stop Faust and bring Eli back home. The Penumbra will be forced to retreat without the reinforcements that are keeping the entire Brigade from joining the Vigil-" he paused, catching himself. "I mean, Jeanne."

"And what are we supposed to do, exactly?" Kat asked. "Sit on our hands while you go play hero?"

Uriel's wings flickered as he sighed. "I'm the only one who can open that portal. I'm the Brigade's best chance at stopping Faust, at ending this assault. And that paints a gigantic target on my back," he said, shaking his head. "If you come with me, you're going to get caught in the crossfire. I can't be responsible for that."

"You don't get to make that call," she fired back, pushing her way in front of Uriel and spinning around on him. "We didn't come all this way, sacrifice all we did, just to sit out the last round because you're too scared to let us give our lives." Kat jabbed a finger into Uriel's chest. "You may be the one with wings, but we're all warriors. We're all Shepherds. We're all Black Cats," she said. "We're bad luck for anyone who crosses our path, and that includes you." she reminded him, pressing her nose up against Uriel's. "So you've got three options: You can lead, you can follow, or you can get the hell out of our way."

Artemis nodded, his blade shooting out from his arm. "We're a team, Uriel. Where you go, we go. Ellie would say the same thing."

Uriel opened his mouth to argue, but then shut it as Kat's dark eyes bored into his. "Fine," he relented. "But I don't like it."

Daken lifted a finger. "Very inspiring. Quick question: Am I a Black Cat now? I don't quite remember signing up."

"In case you didn't notice, I'm an honorary Apostle," Kat said, flashing the stripes on her shoulder. She grabbed a stray black marker from a desk, opened Daken's jacket and then quickly scribbled a crude cat insignia on his white undershirt. "Considered yourself deputized."

Daken scowled at her uniform. "Are they just handing those out now? When did they give you the stripes?"

"A little while after I punched you through a solid wall," she countered.

"More than fair," he relented.

"Here, let me do something about those handcuffs," Artemis said, fumbling through her pockets.

Daken laughed and snapped the cuffs in two with a crackle of red energy. "I think I'll be ok."

Artemis glared at Daken.

"Oh, come on. You knew that was going to happen at some point," Daken said with a roll of his eyes. "You thought those were seriously holding me?"

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