Chapter 56

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Day Nine. Four Days Remain.

Eli's Room, Morningstar Keep

"Uriel, wake up! We need your help," Jonathan said, throwing open Uriel's door. "This could change the entire balance of our fight."

"Of course you do," Uriel groaned, rolling out of bed. "Serves me right for opening my big mouth."

Jonathan threw Uriel his equipment bag. "Get changed and come outside. I'll explain the situation as we walk. Try to move quickly, this is time sensitive," he said brusquely.

Uriel chased after Jonathan as he began to walk back out of Uriel's room. "Wait, Jonathan! There's something you should know before-"

"I'm sure whatever it is can wait until after the mission," Jonathan barked, cutting Uriel off. "Now get into your armor and let's get moving."

"Lady Vigilant is not going to be happy when she hears about this," Uriel said darkly as he strapped on his silverwood plates. "Well, who knows? Maybe I'll get lucky and just die on the mission instead," he chuckled morbidly.

Sliding his sword into its sheath and attaching his final armguard, Uriel walked out his door and was greeted by the masked faces of Isaac, Artemis, Kat and Jonathan. "All right, Jonathan. We're all here," Artemis' voice crackled through her mask. "Now how about you tell us what exactly is going on?"

"Follow me," Jonathan said softly as he began to make his way down the hall. "I'm sorry for the secrecy, but the fewer people who know about our situation, the better," he apologized. "Solomon and I will explain in more detail when we arrive at his laboratory."

Uriel turned to Kat and Isaac. "Do either of you have any idea what's going on? Jonathan seems... worried. I don't like when Jonathan's worried," he said under his breath.

"We haven't heard anything more than you. The guy's barely said two sentences since he rounded all of us up. All I know is that it's something big. And it's something bad," Isaac replied, unable to hide a hint of excitement in his voice. "And it's about time."

"Kat? What about you? Did he say anything?" Uriel asked, nudging Kat as they made their way around a corner.

She didn't turn to face Uriel, instead keeping her gaze fixed on the path ahead. "We'll hear more when we reach the Armory," Kat replied professionally.

Artemis slowed her pace and drifted to walk beside the three young Shepherds. "Wait, you know what's happening?" she hissed with an audible scowl. "Why do you know what's going on and I don't?"

"We're here," Jonathan said quietly as they arrived at the door to Solomon's lab. "Now listen, because I'm only going to say this once: If you choose to walk through that door, you're a part of the mission. There's no backing out. We finish the mission, no matter what happens."

"Are you kidding me? You want us to make a life or death call without even knowing what we're signing up for?" Isaac demanded.

Jonathan grabbed Isaac's collar. "That's exactly what I'm asking you to do," he answered without hesitation. "I didn't even want you on this team to begin with, Isaac, but it's a compromise I've had to make. So, please, feel free to back out if you're feeling scared."

Isaac was silent. Then a low cackle erupted from under his mask. "All right, all right. You win," he said, pulling himself free from Jonathan's grip. "I'm sorry to push your buttons, but you know I can't resist a good game."

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