Chapter 53

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Day Eight. Five Days Remain.

Brigade High-Security Containment, Eden

Waves of pain echoed through Daken's skull as he sat up. He groaned and rubbed his temples he shifted back and forth on the stiff mattress. "Sheesh that hurts," Daken muttered to himself as he began to take in his bleak surroundings. "What did I do to myself, headbutt a transport pod?"

"You might as well have," the Accuser replied, standing just outside Daken's dark, thoroughly grey cell. "Shepherd Katrina seems to pack quite the punch."

"Yeah, I'll say," Daken agreed as he rubbed his eyes, "I haven't been hit that hard since-" He froze as he looked up at the Accuser and realized who he was speaking with. Fractured memories of Daken's own actions began to rush before his eyes in a red haze. His mouth hung open as he relived scenes of hateful blows and unforgivable words. As the images finally began to dim, cool fear slowly started to flow through his veins. He exhaled one long, slow breath before opening his mouth to speak. "This is bad."

The Accuser nodded. "Yes, very."

"Where am I?" he asked tentatively.

"You know I can't tell you that."

"Did I hurt anyone?" Daken asked, quietly wringing his hands.

"No, not permanently," he replied, reassuring the concerned fighter. "It seems that Shepherds Uriel, Jonathan and Katrina managed to keep you from harming any civilians. The chapel, however, has completely collapsed after the structural damage sustained. Shepherd Uriel seems to have sustained some superficial wounds from your fight, but otherwise the team was more or less unscathed. And, despite the complications, they were able to successfully exchange the power supply and retrieve the Eli's sword. We have our totem."

Daken breathed a sigh of relief. "Thank Morningstar."

The Accuser frowned. "I wouldn't thank anyone just yet. Your abuse of Bloodmoon put both a Brigade operation and three of its operatives at risk. You both physically and psychologically assaulted members of your combat team during an active mission." He shook his head scornfully. "How much do you remember?"

"Mostly the embarrassing parts," Daken answered.

"Every single last minute of that performance was embarrassing," the Accuser jabbed. "I'm not sure that you're fully appreciating the gravity of what you've done. Lady Vigilant has stripped you of your rank and there's an Apostle tribunal meeting at this very second to decide your fate."

Daken winced. "They... they don't like me much."

"You're lucky the Brigade refuses to condone capital punishment or else I'm not sure they wouldn't be discussing your execution," the Accuser fired back.

Daken gaze drifted to the floor. "I'm sorry."

"You're sorry? You're sorry?" the Accuser demanded. "Was this all part of your brilliant plan, Daken? Despite what you and Faust might think, this isn't just a game. You're not just moving pieces around on a board when you decide to take risks with others' lives. You're putting flesh and blood people in the line of fire. Your line of fire."

A painful silence hung in the air. "So, what happens now?" Daken asked softly.

The Accuser turned away from Daken, opened the cell door and then shut it behind him. "Now that you're awake, you'll be given a full medical examination. Once they're sure that all your immediate health needs are being met, you'll be transferred to the high security wing. As per Brigade custom, you'll receive any last guests there before your cell is put on the chain. After that, you'll be kept in indefinite high security holding until the tribunal makes a final decision. Assuming we survive long enough to reach a verdict."

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