Chapter 49

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153 A.E.F.

Asylum Chapel

"Well, that was fun," Eli said, closing the door. "Lila and I almost died, and you, Daken, are probably scarred for life if you weren't already."

"Was that the wrestling that the grown-ups in town talk about when they think I can't hear them?" Daken asked Eli.

Eli's eyes went wide with fear. "No, um, that's not what that-" He paused. "You know what? Yes. That's absolutely what that means. Now please, please go to bed before my head explodes."

Lila smiled as Daken made his way back up the stairs. "I'm just glad Artemis didn't ask for her weapons back," she said, turning to Eli.

"Yeah, that was kind of strange," he agreed, frowning as he glanced over at the table at the end of the hallway. "I wonder why she didn't.... Oh hell."

"They're gone?"

"They're gone."

Lila groaned. "At least we won't be seeing her anytime soon." She glanced down at the black contact box and took it in her hands. "Well, should we try them out?"

"After all this, I think we have to," Eli replied, motioning for Lila to follow him over to a mirror. "Come on, I'll show you how they work."

"I only know bits and pieces about these. They were mostly a luxury for the few people that still had them on Earth, but don't they need to constantly be treated with solutions and replaced?" she asked as they opened the container.

Eli nodded. "For a long time that was the case. However, when technology accelerated thanks to the Penumbra blood, companies began to develop lenses made out of a uniquely synthesized substance that didn't require treatment or disposal. It doesn't even need to get wet because it stays semi-moist at all times."

Lila suppressed a chuckle.

"Yes, yes. The word 'moist' is very funny," Eli sighed. "When wars began to crop up and the Morningstars left Earth soon after, very few samples remained. Artemis, however, managed to track one down," he explained as Lila placed the lenses in her hands.

She chuckled as she slid the contacts in. "You really are a nerd, aren't you?" She kept her eyes closed after both lenses were in. "So," Lila said, slowly opening her now bright purple eyes, "How do I look?"

"You... you look great," he stammered. "I mean, not that you don't always look great, because you do, but-"

"I got it, Eli. Thanks," she said, studying her own appearance in the mirror carefully. "Maybe I should keep them this way. Just leave them in."

Eli shook his head. "No, I don't think you should."

Lila looked over at Eli curiously. "You don't?"

"I mean, not because I say so," he quickly explained. "Not because anyone says so. Do what you want to do. I guess I'm just saying... I like your eyes."

She smiled. "That's very-" Lila suddenly stopped speaking, her hands shooting to her head as she stumbled forward in pain. Her face was warped with wrinkles of agony as she clawed at her hair.

Eli rushed to her side, unsure what to do. "Lila, are you alright?"

Slowly, her hands dropped to her sides and Lila straightened back up once more. Her breathing was rapid and her teeth were still grinding together, but she was steadily returning to normal. "It's all right, it's all right. I'm fine now. Just a little headache."

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