Chapter One : Bless Me

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A/N: These first twenty four chapter will be removed on July 20th, 2020 to make room for the revised version of this fanfiction!

There I was, laying on my death bed. In some stuffy hospital no less with those itchy gowns they made people wear.

Ugh. They always bothered my nose.

I sniffed as my nose itched. My teary eyed children, grandchildren and my great grandchild all looking towards me with wistful gazes.

"Grandma!" My youngest grandchild, Tabitha, sobbed rushing over to me. I weakly moved my wrinkly arms out, inviting her in for a hug.

"Don't go, please!" She cried, " I'll miss you."

I sighed a long sigh, brushing back her hair and gently wiping away her tears with one of my famous quilted blankets (I made the best ones, you know.)

"Oh, hush now, love. It's a happy day!" I croaked- contradicting my words, a buldge lodged in my throat from all the crushing emotions.

I was torn, half of me wanted to stay while the other wanted to go. To get away from this world- to see rest. To lie in peace without trouble.

I steeled my resolve and pushed her up.

"Come on now, love. It's time for me to go." I addressed her, tilting her chin up. "Chin up, be strong. And remember-"

"Smile always." Everyone else in the room echoed. I grinned,

"You lot sure are waiting for me to go, aren't ya?"

My three children, all cracked grins simultaneously.

Inwardly, I cringed. It always freaked me out when they did that.

Tom, the eldest and Tabitha's uncle, sobbed slightly, leaning heavily on his wife, Susan. Their eldest child Dayna stood off to the side with her husband, Martin, and George- her child sat a few feet away with his head in his hands, trying not to cry. I didn't blame them- I was a heck of a grandma!

.....and maybe slightly conceited- but eh.

Susan hushed him, quietly, coaxing his sobs to quiet down.

"Now, what do you want to tell me before I go?"

Daniel, my middle child smiled a watery smile as Fred- my second youngest grandson - hid his wet face in her clothes, hiccuping softly. His brown hair was strewn all over the place, stringy and shaggy just like his grandpa's used to. Back when he gave a shit anyway.

I know we weren't supposed to have favorites, but he was. There was no question why.

"I-" Bonny my youngest child began, "we miss you, Ma."

I waved a hand at them dismissively, "Pish Posh. I'm still here aren't I? I still got a good few hours in me!" I assured them, when everyone knew that was not true. Why had I lied?

To save the tears. I couldn't bare to see them anymore.

I groaned quietly as I laid back, shifting my white hair to the side so it wouldn't bother my neck.

" You guys go on, Grandma wants to get some rest. " Susan took the kids out of the room. I blinked back tears as I realized this was going to be the last time I saw them.

It was okay. I was okay with that.

I could probably see them from limbo or something.

"Mama?" Daniel came and held my hand, kneeling beside me. I turned my head to look at her, the distant sound of the heart monitor beeping.

"Yes, my lovie?" I hummed quietly- smiling as I remembered the first time I held my kids. It seemed like a century ago.

Don't worry, it was only Sixty-five years ago. Besides, I looked good for 104.

I wanted to chuckle, but it came out as a weak cough instead. Daniel held tighter, knowing that it was almost time.

"I know I didn't say it alot, but I love you. We all do."

" Take care of yourself, you hear? I'll be watching." I said instead. As I said this, I used my index and middle finger to point to my eyes before pointing it at each of them individually.

They all chuckled and I smiled once more- happy to have them laugh. Happy to see their smiles, however wet.

"It's time, my loves. Don't cry for an old bat like me." I instructed sternly.

" Whenever you feel lost, remember the good times." I whispered quietly, turning my gaze to the ceiling as I felt a tug at my belly button.

The edges of my vision went black, slowly creeping over as I felt my fragile heart give one final thump and my breath escape my lips.

I distantly heard my heart monitor go flat and my kids calling out for me, but I was gone.

Gone. The emptyness surrounded me, and I'd never felt more at peace.


At six fifty two pm on August the third 2098, Genevieve Morten died.

Loving mother, grandmother and great grandmother passed on to a new beginning.

A new chapter in her life

If only they knew just how much a new chapter........

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