Chapter Eighteen: Stalker

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The footsteps behind her picked up when hers did and didn't slow. Her heart rate picked up so much that it almost felt as if it was stuck in her throat.

It had been about another half an hour since she left the music store and half an hour since she figured that she was being followed. The plastic bag that held the three records that she bought hit her leg every time she took a step and the rational part of her mind suggested that she drop it and hope that the guys behind her would leave her alone. But she knew, she knew they weren't thieves.

They were disgusting, vile and evil rapists that took anything they wanted from defenseless women.

Frustrated tears stung at her eyes when she turned another corner only to come to another unfamiliar part of town. All the buildings here looked abandoned and empty. No lights were on and the Sun had already disappeared.

No one was coming and the thought of that frightened her. Once more, for the fiftieth time, she tried the power button on her phone. Nothing happened.

Up ahead, from a different building, three men stepped out of the shadows making the lump in Beth's throat grow.

"Where were you?" One guy greeted the other two behind her. They were about ten feet behind her now. And the other guys were too. She was cornered and she knew it.

"Took a detour!" Another shouted, throwing a pack of beers to the new group.

Beth's steps paused as they began forming a circle around her, caging Beth in.

"Stay away!" She yelled, the men didn't listen. They all chuckled like the sadistic fucks they were.

One reached a hand out and grabbed her waist. Beth twisted in his arms, fighting to get out of his hold. Another hand, rougher this time grabbed her ass.

She shouted in protest, slapping the face of the first man that dared to touch her. Her ass was still being groped.

Quickly, she spun around and punched him in the nose. His hand dropped as he keeled over,

"You fucking bitch!" He groaned as he cupped his face. The other three guys laughed at his expense, "She broke my nose."

"She's feisty. I like that." Another made a move in her direction. But before anyone could make another move, a car spun round the corner and swerved right up to the group which caused them to back away.

Headlights glared at the group, exposing the disgusting pigs. Beth caught a look at every one of them as relief coursed through her veins. Edward made it.

The driver's side of the car opened, "Get in." He called and without hesitation, Beth ran to the passengers side and jumped in.

Looking over, she was correct- it was Edward and he was pissed.

As soon as the door was closed, he revved the engine, pushing the car closer to the group which caused the men to scramble back and make a run for it.

The vampire beside her quickly spun the vehicle around, and was racing out of the abandoned parking lot faster than you could say 'Volvo'.

Beth's chest heaved as she tried to recover from the ordeal, her hands numbly grasping the seatbelt as she caught sight of the speed dial nearing 180MPH.

"Slow down!" She yelled, the seatbelt clicking in place. Slowly, Edward's foot eased off of the gas and the dial went down to 130.

"Are you okay?" He asked, taking a glance at her.

Beth nodded, the bag of vinyls resting in her lap and her right hand holding onto her phone for dear life.

Edward frowned, "Are you sure?"

Beth snapped, "Yes, Edward. I'm fine!"

"I should go back there and rip those guy's heads off!" Edward grunted, his hand tightening on his steering wheel.

"No, you shouldn't." Beth said, her breathing slowly growing steady once more. The feel of their hands on her body were still there, but no matter how much she wished that Edward could tear them to pieces, she had another idea on how to handle it.

"Can you say something- anything to get my mind off of what happened so that I don't turn around." It wasn't a question.

Beth sighed, her hands picking at her jeans, "When Bella and I were six, our mom made us wear matching Halloween costumes to freak out the neighbours that used to gossip about her."

"How did that work out?" His hands relaxed somewhat and the dial moved below 120.

"I was the one to suddenly appear at their window while Bella rang the doorbell to get candy. I'll never forget that shade of purple on Mr. Bernard's face."

Edward chuckled and brought the car to a stop on the side of the road. Up ahead, Beth could see lots of lights and pedestrians and suddenly her mind flew to her sister and Angela.

"Crap!" She swore, "Edward, can you take me to la Bella Italia, the restaurant? I was supposed to meet my sister and Angela there at least an hour ago."

But he was already driving once more. In no time, they arrived and just in time too for Bella and Angela to come stumbling out of the door with worried and anxious looks on their faces.

"There they are." Beth announced, unbuckling her seatbelt and getting out of Edward's car. Without being asked, Edward immediately followed her, his hands in his pockets as he tried to look casual.


Her sister spun around before rushing over to her, Angela at her heels, "Beth! Where were you? I called you at least 8 times and Angela too."

Beth held sheepish look on her face, but before she could explain- Edward strode up beside her, "Sorry. We bumped into each other and just got talking."

"Yeah, and then my phone died." Beth added, holding up her phone as an explanation.

Bella's frustrated face relaxed and Angela stood with her mouth slightly ajar, her gaze fixed on Edward.

"Oh!" Angie snapped out it, "Well, Bella and I kind of already ate so..." She trailed off.

Beth nodded, "It's okay, Ang."

Taking a step closer to Bella who was looking at Edward with her lips pursed, Beth shrugged in the silence.

"Okay," Beth began, "Well, I guess I'll see you around, Edward."

"Actually, I'd feel better if Beth got something to eat. I really didn't mean to hold her up." Edward chuckled, his hand swooping through his bronze locks.

There was a beat of silence before Angela was all but dragging Bella away by her elbow, "Sure! Why not? Come on, Bella. I'm sure Edward won't mind dropping Beth off home."

Bella made a move to say something, "But-"

"Come on, Bella." Angela urged more insistent this time.

Bella sighed before nodding and moving away with Angela to her car.

Beth turned to Edward, "Could you be any more subtle?"

"What?" He inquired with false innocence. Beth quietly scoffed and made her way inside the restaurant.

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