Chapter Eleven : Irrelevant Crashes

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The first time Liz saw Edward's famous smile, she had made a comment about overly nosy siblings. 

Bella and Angela had walked her to class. Angela had wished the two a brief goodbye before walking away as the twins came to a stop out of Mr. Mason's Biology class. Bella had glanced inside to catch sight of the a famed 'boy wonder with the Bronze hair' that Bella had dubbed him. Her twin sister had to forcibly grab the elder when Bella attempted to toss a very rude hand gesture towards an unsuspecting Edward. 


The girl in question ignored her twins affronted tone, "Are you sure you don't want me to have a few words with him?"

Beth sighed and ran a hand through her hair, "I'm sure, Bells. I have it handled, he's fine."

"Handled, you say?" Bella cocked her head to the side, suddenly grinning.

Beth withheld a groan and settled for lightly slapping her sister's shoulder. She wished the ground would open up and swallow her whole. Why was her twin like this?

"Later on, you are so telling!" Bella waggled a finger before turning and walking away.

Beth scoffed and walked into class and took her seat. 

"Siblings, huh?" Edwards lips tilted upwards a bit. Turning, Beth gave an exasperated sigh.

"I know, right? Always butting into your business- like, did I ask you to be on my case 24/7?"

Edward knew more than anyone, having had four other siblings. His lips formed into a crooked smile at her exasperation, before turning to face the front of the class. Little did he know how affected Beth was when he smiled. It was simply breathtaking. 


The next day when Beth woke up, she couldn't have felt worse. Her gut was nagging her for some strange reason- like something bad was going to happen. But Beth didn't know what it was, so she brushed it off with a small level of indifference and focused on getting ready for the day. 

She'd gotten ready before Bella, as always and decided to sit in the truck in the meantime. Charlie was just getting out of the house when Bella followed suit. Beth paid them no heed as they shared a few words, her mind focused on what the day would bring and what sitting through Bio would be like today. 

When Bella got in the truck, she had this small sweet smile on her face.  Beth, still lost in thought, didn't ask why and continued to stare out into the green expanse of the forest. 

When they pulled up to school, the feeling in Beth's gut only got worse. It was like it was trying to warn her of something. Her head pounded as she tried figuring out what it was that she was missing entirely. Mike came over a few minutes after they parked, mainly with the intent of speaking with Bella about a certain dance coming up. 

Wait, dance?

Beth froze, leaning back onto the truck, her arms going slack as she realized that today was the day that the crash happened. Looking around, she tried spotting Tyler's minivan - but it wasn't there yet. Her heart beat increased as she looked around frantically, searching for the playful African-American boy. But he wasn't there. 

Her eyes met Edward's from across the lot, his hands tucked into his pockets as he walked with a slow steps towards her. Her brows furrowed, something was wrong here. 

Her fingers went cold and her bag fell from her grip. Bending over, she picked it up with numb hands and spied the snow chains that Charlie had undoubtedly put on early this morning. Oh no, Beth's mind screamed. 

Before she straightened upwards, a tire screeched at the front of the lot, five feet away from her and Bella. She looked at her still totally oblivious twin, reaching for something in the truck -Mike Newton long gone- and sighed. Her chest felt hollow as her mind raced and then she acted on impulse. Her pale white hands grabbed Bella's tan coat from behind and then pushed her twin away from the pink truck. Her chest constricted painfully, as she watched the van out of the corner of her eye, Bella's expression one of shock as she laid on the ground- white earphone's half out of her ears. Edward Cullen in a position to run to her and a few feet away now, his mouth forming words that barely registered in her mind.


And the next few seconds were a blur. The screech got louder and somehow her foot slipped on the half-melted ice. Her head banged painfully against the truck and her ass landing on the ground before falling backwards a few feet that she hadn't known was there. There was an enormous crash as the Truck's window was smashed and Tyler's van sat still where she was standing not a moment ago. 

Beth blinked, and then the screams started. She couldn't tell if she was hearing things or they were just in her head that still pounded loudly. She groaned loudly,









Was she? The cool feel of the wet tarmac on her bruised hands proved that no, she wasn't dead. Just shocked. Above her head was the underside of the truck, still and whole. It didn't seem like Tyler's van even moved it. And thank god, she was okay. 

"ELIZABETH!" Her Bella called out frantically, voice hoarse as though filled with tears.

"She's here!"

Her legs moved on their own accord and then hands grasped her parka from behind, pulling her out the other side. The cold wind bit at her cheeks, and for a moment, her knees buckled.

"ELIZABETH!" Her head pounded as her sister yelled in relief. Multiple 'Thank God's' were heard before a body that matched her own practically tackled her. The same hands that pulled her, remained firmly on her shoulders, keeping her upright as she dazedly opened her eyes to look at her frantic sister. Her face was blotchy and red and tears streamed down her face in rivers - her sister's brown eyes looked at her as though she'd never see her again. Bella's chest heaved as she looked over her twin for any injuries and cried when she found none visibly. Her face went back into Beth's neck as she squeezed and held her sister tightly. 

Her eyes took in the shocked and terrified gazes of her classmates and schoolmates before resting on a pair of very concerned topaz eyes, scanning her from top to bottom. Looking for any injuries, she assumed. She nodded at him in thanks, as she grounded her feet onto the road of the parking lot. Thank God, she was alive. She held Bella tighter.

A few minutes later, the sound of sirens of both of an Ambulance and a police car surrounded the school. 

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