Chapter Seven : The Cullens

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The next day was eventful to say the least. It was expected though, seeing as it was their first day of school in Forks.

Beth and her sister did not end up having any classes together at all and that depressed her immensely. How was she supposed to deal with these people she didn't know without her twin? Her own version of a knight in shining armor?

She sighed as she walked to her Art class. Guess she'd have to learn on her own.

When she arrived inside, the first thing she noticed was the lack of a door....and a teacher. Then she noticed that there were only four other students in the room. Three boys and one girl.

Two of the three boys were at the back and looked really sketchy and....well, drugged up. Their clothes were dirty and patched up in random places. Their faces hadn't seen better days and..baths.

One was bent at the waist over a table with one of his hands covering where his nose would have met the table. He looked like he was sniffing whatever drug he had laid on the table top. Judging by the way the other boy was glaring at her as she observed the scene, she wasn't supposed to be watching them.

Quickly looking away, she caught sight of the seemingly couple who contrasted so differently to those druggies. Both were dressed head to toe in what Beth assumed was designer clothing. Their appearance was clean, and very fashionable, nothing seemed out of place. Not even a stand of hair. They were almost too perfect.

The boy was a blond with wavy locks she expected a GQ model to have. His features were symmetrical, straight nose and even straighter jawline. She briefly wondered if she could cut herself on it. He gave off this weird vybe, almost empathetic in a way. Beth found it hard to describe, but he seemed almost strained and looked to be in pain but something told her that he was just concentrating on something very hard.

The girl he sat beside, all the way on the opposite side of the room from the druggies, was essentially the opposite of the blonde male. She was a brunette with shoulder length spiky, pixie cut hair. She was short, that much Beth could tell, probably the same height or shorter than herself or Bella. Her features were petit and just tiny. She looked as though she had the grace of a balerina and the joy of a child in their prime years. The girl was watching her with this bright smile that told the world that she knew something no one else did.

Beth somehow knew, that she, as well as the male, were wise beyond their years.

Two pairs of golden eyes observed her now and suddenly, Beth wished they would look away. It felt like ants were crawling up her arms and under her clothes. It made her uncomfortable.

Shaking off the sudden uncomfortableness, she took a seat smack dab in the centre of the room, not joining either parties.

Looking to her left at the couple again, she noticed they were no longer watching her but gazing into one another's souls.

They almost looked like statues if it weren't for the fact that they blinked maybe twice a minute.

Beth then felt as though the girl wanted to come over to her and talk to her right then.

Truth be told, Beth didn't feel very talkative at the moment due to the separation of herself from her twin, so she pulled out her sketchbook and waited for the teacher to come.

Long story short, for he entire two sessions, no teacher showed up. The couple were the first ones out the door, thankfully for Beth - they gave her this foreboding feeling for some strange reason - and then the druggies and then her.

Fortunately for Beth since she didn't know the way to the cafeteria, she bumped into Bella and a very talkative blonde girl named Jessica and off they went to lunch.

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