Chapter Nine : Seconds to Minutes, Minutes to Hours, Hours to Days....

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When Beth and Bella got home, the first thing the former did was run up to her room and lock the door shut.

Bella had tried to run after her of course, "Beth! Beth wait!"

But she hadn't waited. She hadn't made any sound except for her shoes on the wooden floor of the second level as she got to her room. Beth shut the door and turned the lock as Bella tried to open the door.

"Beth, please. Let me in." Bella begged, her voice sounding muffled from behind the door.

Beth huffed out a breath, "Bella, ju- I need some time....." She trailed off.

There was a sigh and then Beth heard footsteps walking away from her door. It was only then that she had relaxed from her tense pose. 

Sighing, her head rested on the door in stress. What was she supposed to do now? How would things change now that she was in the picture? Would Bella and Edward still be together? What if Edward grew to like her instead, due to the fact that Beth was now his singer? No, no- that couldn't happen. Beth couldn't- would not destroy one of the greatest love stories of the twenty first century (back in her world, at least). The story of Edward and Bella could not be destroyed. The story which made teen girls wish for a vampire instead of a knight in shining armor. It had to happen the way it was supposed to.

But how was she supposed to fix this already gigantic clusterfuck that her presence alone had caused.

Groaning, she got to work. Pulling out a new notebook and a pen, she wrote down all the main points of the original Twilight and then everything that happened thus far . For the rest of the afternoon, straight until Charlie came home, she was brainstorming on how to fix everything. She got nowhere. 

When she went downstairs, Bella was concentrated on cooking while Charlie pasted himself in front of  the TV where reruns of a football game was being broadcast. Her feet were unintentionally loud as she padded through the house to greet her dad. Staying behind the couch, she affectionately ruffled her dad's hair, whom grunted in response to his daughter's greeting. Seeing as though his entire attention was on the screen, she decided to try to remedy the situation with Bella. She owed her twin an explanation.

Taking a seat at the dining table, she hoped that Bella would start talking first. A few minutes later, it became apparent that her twin was waiting on Beth. Guilt struck at her heart, Bella hadn't deserved to be shut out. But how on earth was she supposed to explain to her twin that she was supposed to fall in love with a 107 year old vampire in the next few months? How was she supposed to then say to her sister- her lifeline- that that may not happen because Beth was there to fuck everything up? 

What was she supposed to do? 'Hey Bella, there's this really awesome story of you and this vampire dude and his family and how you guys fall in love after several dangerous people try to tear you guys apart. And did I forget to mention that in the story you don't have a twin sister? Also, I'm from a different universe?' 

Yea, like that'd go well. Bella would probably go running off back to Phoenix straight away. Not to mention, have Beth thrown into an asylum. 

"Bella." Beth breathed in, " I'm really sorry." Bella did not stop her task, nor did she acknowledge the fact that her sister was even talking to her. That hurt, Beth couldn't deny, but in a way she felt as though she deserved it.

"T-there was a kid at school," She started again "He just really bothered me and I needed adjust." She finished lamely. Looking down at her hands in her laps, she thought of how better to explain her situation in a way without lying too much to Bella. Was there a way?

Beth didn't need to talk about it any further it seemed, as Bella had paused and come over to give her a hug. 

"It's okay. I get it. I mean, loads of kids were picking on me too. " Bella sighed, Beth's head tucked into her shoulder. "Next time, just tell me.....instead of shutting me out, yea?" 

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