Chapter Ten : Mondays...

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Edward was there.  Beth could feel it. Literally.

He was beside her and his entire body was turned towards her as though he was going to speak. 

'Oh god, no.' Beth wished he wouldn't, but alas he  did five minutes later.

"Hello, my name is Edward Cullen." Beth didn't turn to acknowledge him but gave a very subtle tilt of her head to show that she heard. Focusing back on Mr. Mason, she heard him introduce the next lab on an Onion root cell. Beth groaned internally at the thought of having to work with the vampire. 

It wasn't that she hated him, just the position she was in. She could never in a million years hate Edward Cullen. NEVER.

Seeing that she wasn't actively acknowledging him, Edward turned back to his notebook. Beth saw that through the corner of her eye and breathed a shaky sigh of both relief and disbelief. Wasn't he supposed to continue with the introductions? What had happened?

Beth wanted to bang her head on a wall, it was her fault. All her fault. 

Mr. Mason handed them five slides and gestured to the microscope and told them to get started. Beth had done this lab already in Phoenix with Bella when they shared AP Biology together. Except it was done with white fish blastula instead of onion root cells. She remembered that day like it was yesterday. Mostly because she was partnered up with Jonas Dickson, a really cute brunette that she had a huge crush on.

Very easily, the pair finished their work in record time and were left to their own devices. Beth took up to drawing doodles  while Edward busied himself with looking out the window, lost in thought. 

Beth wished desperately that Bella was here instead of her and cursed the fact that they weren't identical. It would have made it so much easier had they been, they could have just switched classes when it was time for Biology. Beth sighed, if only. 

Taking a peek at Edward, she took it as her opportunity to study him in more detail. His skin was definitely abnormally pale, no blemishes could be seen. He had this rugged, aged look to him. Like a classically handsome person from the 1900's. In a way, he was and he stood out because of it. That kind of handsome had run out of the gene pools of this generation. His eyes were honey gold today and Beth found herself wondering what he would ave looked like with green eyes. Striking, no doubt when paired with his looks. He must have been a hot topic with the ladies. His lips looked chapped and cracked, like he hadn't a drink of water in days but it was barely noticeable from someone far away. They looked soft, even though Beth was certain she'd remembered reading that the vampires were like smooth marble. Beautiful but strong and hard. 

She imagined him smiling that crooked smile of his, the one he was famous for and suddenly she wished she could see it. What was she supposed to do, though? If she spoke to him and got to know him, he'd probably end up liking her over Bella. And this wasn't Beth and Edward's story. It was Edwards and Bella's. 

She didn't want to get involved with that, she feared she would only get hurt in the end. 

But she wanted to. Very badly. 

She knew what she had to do, it was just a matter of how it would be done. 

Turning her body to face him, he suddenly turned his head and stared at her in silence, waiting. 

Taking a deep breath, she started, " I'm Beth Swan."

His lips twitched, "I know."

Oh, god. She was having Cedric Diggory Flashbacks.

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