Chapter Fourteen: This Again

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It was definitely hard to stay mad at Bella, as numerous years of being her twin had proved. This time was no different, but she wouldn't crack. This time Bella had most certainly gone way too far.

Who was she to choose who and who Beth should hang out with? It was just so wrong!

And now Edward was being a jerk because of it all. Beth didn't feel like anything had been going her way since Monday.

And then Angela approached her at lunch.

"Hey, " the bespecaled brunette greeted her as she sat across from Beth.

Beth nodded, head buried studiosly in her worn copy of Pride and Prejudice.

After a while, Beth peeked up, "what's up?"

Angela fidgeted," Jess, Bella and I are headed to Port Angeles to go shopping for dresses on Friday. We were wondering if you wanted to tag along?"

"And by we, you mean Bella and yourself?" Beth was absolutely sure that Jessica didn't want anything to do with her at the present moment.

Angela smiled, sheepish," Yeah. Jess is-" she paused,

"Jess." Beth finished for her.

Angela nodded, relived, "So, what do you say?"

"I don't know. We'll see, I guess."


"Bethwillyougotothedancewithme?" Mike spluttered nervously, his left hand running through his hair.

Beth paused on her way to Bio, "I'm sorry, what?"

The words 'please no' we're repeating in her mind. If he was going to ask her what she thought he was planning to ask her, he had another thing coming.

"Go to the dance with me?" His hands now tugging at his parka.


"Awesome- wait, what?" Mike backpedaled, head turning to look at Beth as she walked away.

"I said no Mike," she repeated.

"But why?"

Beth stopped once more, spinning to face him, " Multiple reasons. One, I don't like you that way. Two, you're getting on my nerves with this whole coddling thing. And three, Jess already doesn't like me- why would I give her more insensitive to murder me in my sleep?"

"Jess?" Mike muttered in confusion.

Beth rolled her eyes at the boy. It was clearly all that he had picked up from her rant.

And as if her day couldn't get any worse, Edward Cullen came to prove her wrong as he passed the two to get inside the classroom with a husky chuckle.

Beth glared at the back of his head, before following him inside.


Charlie was on the couch when Beth and Bella got home, watching a football game with a can of beer in his hand.

Beth dropped her bag down in the foyer before heading over to him. It had been a really long time since she and Charlie spent time with one another.

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