Chapter Twelve: Don't Dwell On it

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A pupil contracted as the flashlight focused on it. Expert hands moved her head from side to side, looking for any damage.

"Can you follow my finger please?" The blond doctor asked politely.

Beth nodded silently, eyes focused on her twin who sat in a chair with her head in her hand. Bella was still in shock. Her left hand rested on her knee, wrapped in a blue cast from when Liz had pushed her down.

Sighing, she focused her gaze on Carlisle Cullen's index finger as he moved it from side to side. After doing this for her right eye, he moved back a step and made a contemplative sound at the back of his throat.

"Is she okay?" Charlie spoke up from his place behind Beth. His hand rested on her shoulder and acted as a column of support for one of his daughters.

"Mostly. It seems as though Ms. Swan has a slight concussion."

There was nothing but silence for a few moments, to which Beth broke with a quiet groan of frustration.

The doctor smiled, lifting his clipboard up and flipping through some pages.

"I'm putting you on bed rest for the remainder of the day and if you're feeling up to it, you can go to school tomorrow." He began, " If you experience any vomiting, amnesia or seizures, please - come and see me again."

"O-okay." Charlie stuttered clearing his throat, "I'll just have ask Bernie to run my shifts-"

"No, dad." Bella lifted her head, " I can stay and look after her. I won't mind."

Charlie looked as though he were considering it for a moment before shaking his head in disagreement.

"I don't feel to good with both of you missing school."

"Actually Chief Swan, Bella might need to stay home as well. Her wrist is one reason, her mental and emotional health is another." Carlisle advised.

Charlie nodded after a moment of thinking," If that's what's best."

Easing himself up off of the wall, Edward drew attention to his presence. Beth had barely remembered he was still inside, he had seemed to melt into the wall for a split second.

Bella cleared her throat before asking Charlie for the phone to call and update Renee on the situation. Knowing their mother, she'd already been debating whether or not to buy a plane ticket to Forks. Phil would no doubt agree with whatever she had planned.

Carlisle followed Charlie outside to sign the release papers and then it was just Beth and Edward left in the room.

Lying back on the scratchy and uncomfortable hospital bed, she closed her eyes and wished that Edward wouldn't say anything for once.

But alas, she had no control over what and what he did not say, now did she?

"I'm glad you're okay," Edward chuckled, "For the most part, anyways."

Liz shook her head slightly, eyes still closed, "Thanks, I guess. And thanks for pulling me out."

His eyebrows furrowed and for a second, his handsome face was marred by an ugly frown.

"Yeah, no problem."

Then there was silence.

"If you dont mind me asking, why are you not curious? Or afraid of me like anyone else from school? Like your sister?" Edward walked closer.

Beth slowly blinked her eyes open, "I-" Man, this guy had put her on the spot. What was she supposed to say now?

" I'm not curious because you're like an open book - an easy read."  She tried not to giggle out loud at this ,"I'm not afraid because there's nothing to fear," she lied.  Apart from him having the ability to suck her body dry in zero point two seconds flat or breaking it into tiny pieces of human flesh, she didn't fear him all that much.

And she sighed, the last one was complicated, "Bella is just being influenced by her peers, I guess."

"And why aren't you? Don't you think it'd be safer to stay away from me?"

Beth sat up then, "Edward, I have my reasons for believing that you're not scary or dangerous. One of them happens to be the fact that although you portray yourself as someone to fear- you really are just trying to push people away. You're trying to make yourself suffer for some reason."

Before he could ask her anymore questions, Bella had walked inside with the phone in hand, "Mom's waiting to hear from you. I don't think she'll sleep until she hears your voice."

Beth nodded and carefully eased off of the bed before leaving Bella and Edward together.

Once Beth was gone and the door was shut, Bella spun around and gave Edward the nastiest glare she could manage. Surprisingly, Edward did the same, only his was way more intimidating.

"You should stay away from Elizabeth. You're not good enough for her." She stated firmly.

"I should and I'm not." Edward agreed wholeheartedly.

Bella's face relaxed slightly knowing that Edward wasn't going to try to keep up this so called 'friendship' with her twin. She was very worried about Beth. Did she know the kind of person Edward Cullen was? What if Beth somehow became like him? Bella could feel something was off with him and his family. They weren't normal.

"Good," she affirmed, "And thank you for pulling her from under the truck."

Edward simply nodded before leaving the room and walking past an oblivious Beth who was still trying to convince Renee to stay in Jacksonville. He had to stay away from Beth from now on. Not only would it bring unwanted attention to his family. But it would put Beth in danger because of what he was and what he was capable of.

A/N: Bit of a filler chapter but things will get exciting soon.

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