Chapter Eight : Anxieties

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Anxiety attacks were never strange to Beth. She was used to them because of her past life. She used to have them on a daily basis and back then she didn't have a twin sister.

Bella was essentially her life source and her reassurance.

But how was she supposed to tell her twin sister that she knew of the events that were to occur in just a few months? How was she supposed to tell her that she was reborn? How was she supposed to tell Bella that Beth wasn't supposed to exist in this story?

There was only Bella. Bella and Edward.

Beth breathed a shaky breath, goodness this was a right mess.

Taking a risk to look back over, she caught sight of the bronze haired one, Edward, looking at her. Her eyes widened for a second as she looked away.

Why was he looking at her?

Looking at Bella, Beth saw that she was back to conversing with their new friends as if nothing interesting had happened.

With a sinking feeling in her gut, she hoped that whichever godly being above the ceiling had a good explanation for this clusterfuck.

Looking back to the table, Edward was still looking at her. But with a strained look, as though he were trying to figure something out.

With a start, Beth remembered that he could read minds.

Paling slightly, she focused her thoughts on something other than her predicament. But it was hard trying not to think about it, when it was what her whole life had been like. All of it, from the moment she'd been reborn, was all written down- all fictional.

Deciding that she was doing a horrid job at not thinking, she took out her class schedule to see which class she had next.

Shuffling through her cluttered bag - a bad habit she picked up from Bella- she took out the slightly crumpled sheet of paper.

Her heart sunk.

5th period: AP Biology - Mr. Mason

'Oh, fuck.'


Beth sat resolutely in a random seat in the still empty classroom. Biology charts and diagrams hung on the walls and the standard lab tables were set up on each side of the room in symmetrical rows. Large, glass windows lined the left side of the class that exposed the front of the school and part of the car park. She briefly wondered if she'd be able to leave and hide away in the truck until school finished but the idea was dismissed quickly after remembering a few things.

One, Bella had the keys.

Two, Beth still had to return the slip with all her teachers' signatures on it to Mrs. Cope.

Three, Beth wasn't a total coward.

You see, Beth had taken it upon herself to get to class as early as possible in order to avoid being seated beside a certain vampire.

Leaving the lunch table had alerted Bella and a few people like Angela and Eric. Her twin had been concerned and had wanted to leave with her, but Beth gave a random excuse that Bella believed and now she was here.

From what she could remember from seventy-nine years ago, there was something to do with Edward and Bella and smells. Something to do with a singer as well. She shrugged internally, she couldn't remember what exactly would happen in this class but she knew it was crucial to the entire plot.

After the bell rang, Beth tensed as  people began pouring into the classroom, chattering with each other and possibly gossiping about the new students.

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