Chapter Four : Trip Me Up

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Timeskip: Isabella and Elizabeth are now seven years old.

The spotlight was bright, blindingly bright as a matter of fact.

No one on stage could see past the light and into the darkness beyond.

Elizabeth twisted and turned elegantly in time with the music.

The numerous painful classes had a purpose after all.

And we all know, wherever Elizabeth was, Isabella was most likely present as well.

The clumsy dancer copied the movements drilled into her mind several times before this and tried to keep up with her twin.

On one specific turn, Bella had managed to move closer to Elizabeth. Too close and as a result, caused her graceful twin to falter and drop.

Elizabeth's serene expression turned into one of horror as she felt her body tumbling onto the wooden stage.

A thump sounded and then several gasps from the stunned crowd followed. The beautiful music paused as the girls stopped mid-way on their pirouettes to go check on their fallen ballerina and friend.

Elizabeth laid there for a moment, exasperated and frustrated. This wasn't a new occurrence. Being the twin of a clumsy girl, it was bound to happen at times.

Now was one of the times Beth wished it didn't happen- in front of a hundred parents and at her first recital.

Elizabeth huffed and pushed several concerned girls away from her. Her only focus was on her twin, Bella, who after seeing that she was alright- stumbled away and off the stage.

Elizabeth followed, ignoring her mother's concerned voice calling after them.

"Bella! Bella? Beth? Elizabeth?"

She ran through the wing, searching and hoping to find Isabella.

She was a fragile thing, that one. Elizabeth always had to make sure she was alright but she didn't mind.

Being the youngest, one would think the elder twin would look after her but it was vice versa in this instance. In this life.

"Bella!" She called out, turning around this way and that.

A distant sound of a door locking caught her attention and she ran to it, paying no mind to her now ruined ballet shoes.

Her tutu blocked her hands from resting at her side comfortably and Beth wanted to tear the thing off her body but held back knowing her mother would disapprove.

They weren't rich and Liz didn't want a torn tutu to burden her already stressed out mother.

The seven year old came upon a closed supply closet. Leaning her ear against the door, she could vaguely hear her sister's frustrated sobs.

Sighing, she turned the nob and peaked inside.

Bella was inside, sitting down with her knees drawn up close to her chest and her head burried in her arms.

"Bella?" Elizabeth walked in further. Bella's sobs quieted as she recognized her sister's voice.

"I'm sorry for making you fall." She cried, her voice slightly hoarse.

Elizabeth sighed and put her hand on her sister's shoulder, "It's okay, Bella. It happens." She shrugged nonchalantly.

Bella peaked at her sister in disbelief,

"But I ruined everything."

Elizabeth's eyes hardened, " No you didn't. You were just being Bella." At that, Isabella ducked her head.

"No," Elizabeth paused as she realized how that sounded, " I mean, you were just being you. You can't pretend to be someone you're not. You have to be yourself. I don't care if you trip and fall, Bella. I won't laugh- I'll help you back up- I promise."

Bella looked up at her sister with tearful eyes,


Elizabeth hummed in agreement as she stood up. Exaggerating a move, she purposely tripped herself and landed on the floor with a theatrical moan.

Bella giggled at her sister before helping her up.

The two took no notice if their mother filming the entire thing on her tiny video camera.

Elizabeth hated them, in fact she hated all the outdated electronics.

Once the twins stood up and brushed each other off, they smiled simultaneously and turned to go outside- spotting the guilty culprit.

" Mom!"

" Mommy!"


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