Chapter Thirteen: Make up your mind

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When Beth and Bella went back to school, the former knew they would crowd her. She knew that Tyler and his gang of hooligans would be on her and Bella's tail trying to coerce them into going to the girls-ask-guys dance.

So, she made sure to buy bug spray. Or as she likes to call man spray. Guaranteed to hold off any and all males for up to fifteen hours. Charlie would be proud.

But really, all Beth did was get an old, half finished bottle of bug spray, empty it and then put water in it. And maybe Bella added some rosewater to it, to hide the deadly musk of insect repellent.

Yeah, Liz definitely didn't want to be that one chick that almost got run over and spells like bug spray.

And, just as predicted, Tyler Crowley was standing by the spot they parked in every day, patiently waiting. The African American boy looked slightly uncomfortable with a few Band-Aids plastered to his face as he waited with his arms clasped in front of him.

Bella, being the most dependable and supportive person she was, snorted.

"Good luck," And with a click of a button to lock the truck, she practically sprinting away as best and as fast as she could.

Beth sighed and rolled her eyes as Tyler cleared his throat from behind her.

"No." She stated simply, swinging her bag up onto her shoulder and walking away.

"Wait!" Tyler caught up to her, "Please, Beth. I'm so-"

Beth stopped, "Tyler, finish that sentence and I will personally skewer your balls on that flag pole." She pointed to the front office, where a bright US flag swayed gently in the wind.

The threatened boy gulped before nodding and speed-walking away.



hen Bio finally strolled around again, Beth felt slightly better at the thought of being close to Edward. She had no idea why, but she felt a sense of comfort and serenity whenever they were together- minusing the fact that he was, you know, a vampire.

Brushing her meddlesome thoughts away, she leaned heavily on to the table before taking a peek at Edward.

He was doing nothing out if the ordinary. Simply taking down diligent notes that Mr. Mason wrote down on the board, which she wasn't.

"Psst" Edward didn't even blink, "Edward." She whispered, the class was way too quiet to talk at a normal volume. You could hear a chair creak and it'd sound like thunder.

Finally, he turned to give her a hard, emotionless stare. Beth frowned in confusion. Why was he acting like this? What happened?

Was he hungry? One quick glance at his eyes proved that no, he wasn't. They proudly shone a honey gold color that Beth was starting to like.

"Whats up?" She tried again.

But the 107 year old vampire said nothing, choosing to turn around once more and continue his silent treatment.

Beth sighed, finally turning to face the board.

What had she done now?

When class ended, Edward had been the last person to leave. Beth, the second to last and just as she was about to walk out the door, a cold hand grasped her by her elbow.

"I apologise." His voice uttered, but to Beth, it almost seemed like they we're spoken half-heartedly; as though he didn't really mean it.

"Apology accepted." Beth replied, and as her hand moved to push open the door, he spoke once more.

"We shouldn't be friends,"  Edward looked away from her piercing gaze, "We can't."

Suddenly, for her as well, the tiles seemed alot more interesting. Was that crack in the ground before? Or was it just her imagination of how her heart would have looked had it been visible?

Her head started to hurt.

Just when she thought Edward and her were making progress, he had to go and be an asshat. How was she supposed to fix this-?

"You know what?" Beth looked up, a glare settled into her eyes, "Fuck it."

If Edward was surprised at her words, he didn't show it.

"Fuck you, Edward." Her hands ran through her hair briefly before pushing the door, "You can go on with your disappearing act again. I'm done playing in this never ending cycle. You don't want to be friends? Fine. I just hope you know that if you come crawling back like some druggie from rehab, I'll turn and walk the other way."

Beth didn't go to gym that day. She barely said a word as Bella got in the truck and handed her the key to drive.

But Bella knew something was up.


"I hate this bullshit!" Beth screamed into her pillow, "I wanna go home." Beth knew it wasn't possible, though.

A few minutes later, an almost sheepish knock sounded from her door. Bella walked in a second later, not bothering to wait for a reply.

"Okay, so what happened?"

"Edward Cullen happened."

"Could you be more specific?"

And then the younger twin explained. When the explanation and rant was finished, Bella sat on the edge of her bed with a grimace. Beth sighed tiredly before taking a peek at her twin as she had been silent.


Bella tugged nervously on the ends of her hair, "I might've said something to him last week at the hospital."

Beth shot up, "You what." She shouted.

"He's weird!" Bella defended, " He doesn't seem natural, like he's not even human, Beth! And Everytime he's around, all I can feel is the urge to run away. He's creepy and he looks at you like he wants you on a buffet table cut up into tiny pieces and wrapped in seaweed."

Beth got up and began pacing, "I can't believe you!"

Standing up to leave, Bella now felt the guilt of a thousand tons on her shoulders.

"He's not good enough for you." She added defensively.

Beth stopped and faced her twin, "But that wasn't your choice to make, Isabella!" She yelled frustrated. How could Bella have done something like this. Had she even thought of how it would affect others?

"What do you want me to do? I can go talk to him again. I'll tell him-"

Beth cut her off with a yell, "No!"

"You've done enough."

Bella felt her chest cave in slightly at that. She was only doing what she thought was best. And it turns out her best wasn't good enough.

After her twin left her room, Beth hardly had a grasp of her sanity as she went to slam the door so hard it got a crack in it.

The teen belly flopped onto her bed, before covering her head with a pillow and screaming in frustration once more for the day.

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