Chapter Sixteen: Field Trip

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Today was the day. The day of the field trip to a plant nursery for Biology. The bus had left Forks High at around 9AM and drove for an hour or so to get to the building somewhere between Forks and Port Angeles. Upon arrival the group of 30 or so students (a combination of two Biology classes ) were greeted by an over eager male in his late 20's. While he blabbed on about the difference of Meiosis and Mitosis, Beth was discreetly jamming out to her music while simultaneously suffering the brooding glances of Edward and the longing, sad looks Bella kept throwing her way. Still, she ignored them and tried to look like she was busy with a random notebook she had begun to write everything in.

It didn't work.

A cold hand soon plucked an earphone from her ear and she flinched from the sudden change in temp. It was Edward.

Beth gave him a disgruntled glance, folding her arms over her chest, "What do you want?"

"So you like skewering people." He stated instead of answering her question. Beth scoffed, grabbing her earphone back. She didn't bother asking how he knew about that incident with Tyler, she already knew. Vampire senses really sucked sometimes. Not to mention their ability to be the most frustrating species on Earth on occasion.

"Excuse me, Edward," she tried moving around him. His slender, lean frame was taking up majority of the walkway and between the other students moving around them and his frame, she was unable to move on down the line. Making another move, she groaned quietly when he moved with her which once again blocked any and all possibilities of movement.

"Please move." She begged quietly, fully aware that he could hear her. The seemingly young male sighed before removing himself from her path but continued to walk beside her. Seeing this, Beth didn't bother to replace the earphone.

"Why do you act like this?" She inquired curiously, "Do you have some kind of mental illness or something?" When he shook his head no, she scoffed, "You must be bipolar."

"And if I was?" Edward questioned, taking a peek at her after crossing his arms.

"Then I'd have a reasonable explanation as to why you continue to say that we can't be friends but yet you're still here- trying to talk to me as though we were."

The vampire opened his mouth to reply, but before he could Angela came running up with a smile as they crossed the threshold of the building to get back to the bus. The twin thanked the high gods above, there was no way she could have kept her cool if he had answered with another vague response that would prompt even more questions than being an answer. She would probably skewer him too. Smiling, she found that the image of Edward Cullen trying to impale himself with a wooden stick was hilarious.

"Hey, Liz." Angela greeted and before Beth could even respond, Edward had mysteriously stalked off to his bus looking like an odd version of Severus Snape- minus the cape. Angela's eyes went wide as they watched his figure walk off, "I hope I didn't disturb you or anything, it's just that you looked ready to kill him..."

Beth snorted a laugh as she climbed onto the opposing bus, "I wasn't, "Mostly because he's indestructible, she quietly mused "But thanks anyways. You're much better company than him." She hoped he heard that. And that it bothered him.


Later on after getting home, Charlie decided that he wanted a break from home meals and packed both girls into the cruiser before driving off to the Diner in town. Unfortunately, Mike Newton and Eric were outside the diner with a couple of other people Beth wasn't really familiar with after being excluded from the official lunch group.

She walked in with Charlie, leaving Bella behind to exchange some words with her friends.

"Not your clique?" He asked in curiosity.

Beth shook her head, "Nah, I've been made into a social pariah by my own sister." Charlie rolled his eyes at his daughter's words. He wasn't able to deal with their ongoing arguments when he'd already tried to remedy it. Obviously whatever he said was just going to go in one ear and right back out the other. 

Once seated, Charlie was greeted by a slightly darker skinned lady with gorgeous black, natural curls,

"Hey, Charlie." Tabitha greeted, wiping her hands in her apron before plucking a notepad and pen from seemingly thin air.

"Hi there."

Tabitha smiled suddenly, "Oh my goodness! You must be Bella, I've heard so much about you."

Beth frowned slightly, had her father only ever spoken about Bella to the town's people?

"Uh, no, Tabitha. That's Beth, Bella's outside talking to her friends. Remember, I told you I have twins?" Charlie quickly interrupted upon seeing his daughter's confusion.

Tabitha's smile dimmed a bit before she nodded, "Yeah, I remember," she tapped her head with the pen, "My bad. So, what can I get y'all?"

"Can I have my usual?" Charlie asked as Bella slid into the booth.

"Steak and fries?" The waitress double checked. Upon seeing his nod, she moved on to the twins, "You must be Bella!"

Said girl slightly blushed but nodded bashfully when other individuals from the restaurant turned around to see if that was the chiefs daughter.

"Can I entice you into having a beef burger and fries?"

"Definitely." Bella chuckled, putting back the menu she had been looking at briefly.

And then Tabitha turned to Beth as though just remembering her presence, "And you?"

Beth struggled to give her a genuine smile, this woman's attitude seriously tickling her No no zone.

"I'll have the same, thanks." She answered curtly, reaching for the glass of water placed in front of her. She had a vague feeling that she'd have to watch out for spit in her food. This Tabitha woman only seemed to have eyes for her sister and pretended as though she were the only one of Charlie's kids that existed.

Scoffing quietly to herself, Beth looked around and caught sight of Newton half mooning her family from the window.

Her nose scrunched up in disgust, she was really glad that she was the pariah now.

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