NOTICE: Jan 2, 2020.

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There are several things that I want to cover here today and decidedly- none of them are good......

First off,

I'm very sorry for practically abandoning this book for so long and the very consistent, inconsistent updates. That's not at all the kind of writer I want to be, especially with so many determined and avid readers that I love and appreciate so dearly.

Especially because after some thought, I've come to realize that (in my own opinion), this fic is utter crap.

And coupled with my very crippling emotional instability, life and overbearing depression (dont worry, I'm getting through it and getting help), makes for a very toxic and half-assed book that has moved onto a path that has come to a dead end.

Secondly, After some thought, -like two months of rereading and second guessing- I've decided that I'm going to restart it - For a second time.

I know alot of you are very upset at this news, trust me I'm angry enough at myself. And like six months before, I had prided myself on being a very eloquent and excellent writer.

Sufficed to say, life happened.

I got tugged down a peg or two and I'm learning in my very early adult life that  being so egotistical and self centered is absolutely ridiculous.

I've realized that I'm  a fairly inexperienced writer, after reading tonnes and tonnes of books and fanfiction. I've realized that my books lack foundation. I've just been writing blindly without mapping out my characters and the plots. And that's sad....

But anyways, back on track,

I'm rewriting.

And thirdly,

this time, I'm going to write Beth in a way that I would want my own character to be written.

Shes still gonna be reincarnated and sent back into time. But,

She will have no recollection of the  Twilight Saga/ universe.

I know alot of my readers stuck around because she knows of everything that occurs in the books but, I've written myself into a dead end.


I hope you guys understand that I'm doing this to become a better writer and make this reading experience a much better one than all of the other shitty Edward/ Self insert fics that are out there on the internet.

Stay Tuned!

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P.S.: 2019 was fuckery.

Happy New Year, biatches

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