three • chipped

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"They chipped us." Josh whispered in a panicked voice.

"Oh god, why would they do that? Is it like some tracking device?" I quietly questioned.

"Shh, they might be listening. And probably.." he began. "Wait, Do you remember when Cassandra told us she automatically knows when we need her assistance..?"

"Yeah.." I whispered urging him to go on. "Well how else could she possibly know that? I'm not sure when they had the time to put it in us but I'm assuming it was while the injections had us blacked out." he said while pacing around the room.

Both of our necks had healed from the procedure, as it was done weeks ago. "How did we not feel it.. this whole time?" I quietly pondered.

"I don't know, but we need to take them out. Grab your bag, we're going to the market." he ordered and I did as told.

It was so strange walking around. It looked like any other street market you'd go to. Everyone looked so normal, like everything here was normal.

There was loud live music playing and people dancing. I felt so uneasy and I could tell Josh did too.

He reached over and grabbed my hand taking it in his. "We'll find a way out of this. We have to." He said close to my ear so only I could hear.

Josh and I decided it would be best for us to try and blend in with everyone else, act like we're happy to be here.

"If we're going to take out the chips, we're going to need supplies." I stated in a low voice while looking around.

We walked around for awhile until we got in front of a seamstresses table setup.

"Excuse me, hi, how much would it be for a needle and thread?" I asked the woman who was currently cutting fabric.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Hello, lovely young couple. Beautiful day out isn't it?" She asked not yet answering my own question.

Beautiful day? All I see is smog from the factories.

"Oh were not.." I paused realizing it doesn't matter. "Your needle and thread. How much for it?" I asked again.

"4 dollars." she said cheerily. We make a dollar a day from work which meant Josh and I currently had $14 each.

"Here you go." Josh said handing the woman the money. "Thank you, have a nice day!" She beamed as we turned to walk away.

"I could've gotten that you know." I protested. "I know, but let's just say we have split income." He chuckled.

After walking around for a bit, we picked up a few other things including, bandages, a bottle of moonshine, dried fruits + nuts, and some cloths.

My bag was feeling heavy so we decided we should head back to our room. We left the town square and began the walk back to our establishment.. home.. whatever you want to call it.

As we were nearing an alley way between two buildings, we heard loud banging.

"Did you hear that?" I asked putting my arm out in front of Josh stopping him from going any further.

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