sixteen • coma

241 46 3

*Inaudible whispering*

"She's waking up!"

My eyes slowly opened as my vision started being brought back to me.

"Dear god my baby!"

I couldn't believe my eyes.

It was my mom.

"Mom?" I instantly began to ball my eyes out.

She pulled me into the biggest hug and I realized that I was in a hospital bed hooked up to a machine.

"Mom what is all of this? Where's Jenna?" I asked worriedly, remembering the last thing I was doing before waking up here.

"Sweetie.. I don't know who that is. You're in the hospital.. for a drug overdose." She sadly explained.

"What? No! I've never done drugs in my life! How did I get here?" I asked as I began to panic.

"Someone found you overdosed downtown by a dumpster." She sighed.

I looked down to my arm and saw a bunch of needle marks.

This is impossible.

"Mom I have to get out of here. My friends need me, I have to get back to them!" I pleaded.

"Honey, your friends will come to visit you later. You need time to get better." She said getting me angry.

"I'm not fucking talking about Rowan and them. Where is Josh? I want to see my boyfriend. Tell me all my friends are okay!" I yelled.

A nurse heard the commotion and came up behind my mom placing a hand on her shoulder.

"She just woke up, and is really confused. How about we give her some time to process everything?" The nurse whispered.

Not quiet enough because I was able to hear.

Just then I saw my big brother walk into the room.

I began to cry some more and so did he as he ran over to me.

"Eden.. Jesus Christ! You're okay!" He sobbed into the hug.

"I've missed you so much! I thought we would never see you again!" He cried as held me as tight as humanly possible.

I looked around the room. I am definitely not in Dema anymore.

There were Birthday balloons and flowers beside my bed.

My mom noticed me staring at them.

"Ethan.. would you please give your sister her birthday present?" She smiled excitedly.

He quickly walked over to the chair that was in the corner and picked up a big, flat, rectangular wrapped present.

He smiled wide as he handed it to me.

I unamusingly torn open the wrapping paper revealing the gift inside.

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