five • two month mark

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A month and four days later.

Eden's P.O.V

Today marks two months of Josh and I being here.

We've gotten close with Brendon and Pete and trust them wholeheartedly. I guess nothing bonds people better than shared trauma.

We still haven't figured out an escape plan, it seems nearly impossible.

So far, we've sketched out a map of the parts of Dema we know to exist.

There's still so many places we haven't been able to get to. This place is a lot bigger than we thought.

I feel myself lose hope with the more days that go by.

I sometimes wonder if maybe we should give up and just make the most out of the life we live here.

After all, if you can't beat em', join em'.

My anxiety has gotten so bad to where I have nightmares almost every night.

I swear, my friends are the only thing getting me through this.

Today isn't just the two month mark of us being here.. it's also the day more people are being recruited.

I wonder if there will be any more like us.

"Today is Friday, October 5th. Do you know what that means?" I asked my best friend Josh while plopping down on his bed beside him.

"It means Halloween is in 26 days?" He questioned, obviously not knowing what I was hinting at.

"No... it's... do you think they'll give us candy?" I asked losing my train of thought.

"No but I bet they'd have some and keep it to themselves." He said causing us both to laugh.

"Anyways!" I said remembering the important thing I was telling him.

"We've been here for exactly two months, which means more recruits are coming today."

"Oh yeah! That's right.. hard to believe that two months ago you and I were complete strangers. The only good thing that came from being here was becoming friends with you." He said with a big smile.

Okay Eden.. don't tear up, don't tear up.

I reached over and gave him the biggest hug I was capable of giving and he hugged back tighter.

"Promise me we'll stay friends even when this is all over." I said over his shoulder.

"I promise you, we will."

Hours later.

Josh and I finished our evening shift and decided we wanted to be there when the newest recruits arrived.

We figured it would be at night just like it had been when we first arrived here.

The sun hadn't fully set yet so we decided we'd go get cleaned up and eat "dinner" first.

Once we finished showering and getting dressed, I began to do my hair.

I really hate not having my proper hair products with me.

All I've been able to get my hands on here was olive oil and honey.

I made my own mixture of the two I got from the market and put it in a jar.

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