twenty four • track

188 40 2

Last night after visiting the canyon, Ryan and I went back to his place.

It was a cute, spacious one bedroom apartment. He let me sleep in his room while he took the couch.

I took a bite of my pancake while taking a moment to think.

"There were factory buildings.. which means it could be anywhere." I groaned.

"There's no way we can possibly find them." Ryan said, frustrated.

"The bishops were able to keep track of us using microchips.. I just wish we could do the same with them." I sighed.

His head shot up from the table as he roughly ran his fingers through his hair.

"Damn it! That's so genius. I wish I hadn't thrown mine away, we probably could've used it to track them down." He groaned.

"What if we still can!" I quickly zipped open my bag, revealing to him just what we needed.

"You actually kept it! Holy shit, okay. I'm not good with computers and stuff like this but we can take it to a shop and maybe get some help there." He exclaimed.


We pulled up to an electronic store and went inside.

"How the hell are we going to explain what the chip is for?" I nervously whispered as we walked up to the front counter.

"We don't need to explain. It's no one else's business. They're getting paid regardless." Ryan shrugged.

"How can I help you?" A guy with a man bun questioned without lifting his head to look up at us.

"He's playing on a game boy.. how reliable." I whispered.

"That's a good sign.. it means he's a nerd." Ryan chuckled.

"We uh, we need some help with finding a location using this microchip." I awkwardly told the man.

He stood up and placed his gameboy on the table.

The man stuck out his hand and I quickly handed it to him.

He examined it before speaking up. "So, my guess is this microchip was used to keep track of you and you want to track down whoever was doing so, correct?" He confidently asked.

"Pretty much." Ryan shook his head.

"Alright, i'll do it for $200." The man offered.

$200?! What the hell?!

Ryan and I shared a look of shock.

"For all I know, you both could be criminals up to no good. I need to make sure it's worth my while." He shrugged.

"Alright yeah, no problem." Ryan quickly took out his wallet and pulled out two hundred dollar bills, handing it to the man.

"Great. Have a seat, it may take me a while." He said as he walked into a room in the back.

Ryan and I did as told, as I prayed to the gods that this man would come through.

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