fourteen • birthday

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AN: Here's a pic of these cuties! What should their ship name be? Joshden? Jeden? I have no clue lol. Also this is a short lil filler chapter cause it's gonna pick up.

Two days later.

Josh's P.O.V

Today is Eden's 19th birthday and Tyler and I had a plan put together for her.

She had been wanting the two of us to play a song for her so that's what we were planning on doing.

Tyler and I worked really well together musically and actually came up with a few of our own songs.

We had to pay some guy to to use his computer but it was worth it.

It didn't have internet of course, but it did have some music software on it.. Tyler knew more about it then I did though.

We had put our music onto a flash drive and I was going to give that to Eden as a present as well as play a cover with Tyler for her tonight.

She had been gone most of today with Jenna once again but that was perfect for us, it gave us time to set up.

Even though it's not the best time to celebrate, she truly deserves it.

Eden's already missed her older brother's birthday and she shouldn't have to miss her own as well.

There actually was a music room here that we had no idea existed until very recently.

We had borrowed a keyboard and a cajón (drum box that you sit on) because drums we're too big to take.

Brendon and Pete were here already and we were just waiting for Eden and Jenna to get back.

Jenna was in on it and agreed to keep Eden busy until the sun went down.

We had made drinks from the moonshine we still had, and mixed it with fruit juice that we recently bought from the market.

All we had to do was wait.

Eden's P.O.V

I opened the door to my room and it was pitch black. I guess Josh isn't home.

I flicked the switch on and the second the room lit up I heard a bunch of voices yell "surprise!"

"Happy Birthday Eden!" Jenna exclaimed, throwing her arms around me. "You knew?" I smiled as I hugged her back.

"Your boo made me keep quiet." She giggled.

The rest of my friends came over to give me bone crushing hugs.

Josh was the last one. He walked over to me with the biggest smile plastered on his face.

"You didn't have to do this." I smiled as I placed my hands on his chest.

"Well I wanted to." He said as he wrapped his arms around me.

"Thank you." I gushed as I stood on my tip toes to kiss him.

We were all a few drinks in and even though this isn't how I ever expected to celebrate a birthday, I wouldn't want to spend it with any other people.

"Josh asked me to sing 'Can't Help Falling In Love With You' by Elvis so here it is." Tyler smiled before he began to sing.

"Will you dance with me?" Josh asked while extending his hand for me.

"Oh god." I laughed as I took hold of it.

"I'm a terrible dancer." I chuckled, wrapping my arms around his neck.

"Well that's another thing we have in common." He said as he pulled me closer to him by the waist.

"You guys are so cute it makes me sick." Brendon laughed.


Tyler and Josh played some covers and I was so thrilled. They sounded great together!

"We have something for you." Tyler said as he pulled something small out of his pocket.

"You owe me a painting." He joked reminding me of our deal.

"What is this?" I curiously asked as he handed me a flash drive.

"It's a surprise." Josh winked.

How am I supposed to see it without a computer? The suspense is going to kill me.

I pouted as I put it in my own pocket.

After a night of drinking and goofing around, it was pretty late and we decided to all call it a night.

Once everyone left, it was just Josh and I as usual.. which I enjoyed.

"Your birthday isn't over yet.." Josh smirked at me.

"Mmm you're right." I bit my lip.

"I have another surprise for you." He chuckled.

"Oh yeah?" I questioned getting excited.

"Yeah, but it's not what you're thinking, well.. that's for later.. but I have an actual surprise for you. Another gift." He admitted.

"He walked over to the bed and reached under one of the pillows. He had a few yellow gerbera daisies in one hand and I couldn't tell what was in the other.

"I would've gotten you roses but I only found these and petunias in the garden and these were prettier." He laughed as he handed my the yellow flower.

"I prefer these over roses anyways." I blushed. He's so thoughtful.

"Here is the real gift." He said as he opened his hand.

It appeared to be a ring.

"I know this is cheesy but I made you a promise ring. I made it because I promise to always love and take care of you." He professed making my eyes well up.

"Josh, don't make me cry.." I said as my hand covered my mouth.

This was the best gift I've ever been given.

"I would've gotten you one made out of diamonds but brass was all I could get my hands on." He chuckled.

"Babe, I don't care what it's made out of. This is perfect, thank you!" I gushed, sniffling from the tears I had just cried.

"Here, let's see how it fits." He smiled wide as he took my left hand in his, sliding the ring onto my ring finger.

It was a perfect fit. Just like us.

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