nine • nico and the niners

295 42 0

Eden's P.O.V

"Tyler and I are going out tomorrow night to try to find out more. You're invited to come with and if not, then that's fine too."

The next day.

"Can you believe him!?" I scoffed thinking back to the argument Josh and I had. I was currently ranting about it to Tyler.

"Yeah no, I don't understand the sudden change of heart." He said with a confused look on his face.

We were walking around as we talked. "He wouldn't even speak to me this morning. I mean not that I tried to myself, but still!" I grumbled.

"I'm sure he'll come to his senses soon.. and uh, just curious.. are you guys like together?" Tyler awkwardly asked as I stopped dead in my tracks.

"Wha- you think.. me and.. no. No he's my best friend. He's family at this point." I defended.

"Oh sorry it just looked like it. After all you've both been here for awhile and I don't know, it seems it would get lonely so.." He shrugged while I interrupted.

"No way! We don't see each other that way." I said matter of factly.

"So you've never hooked up? Not once-" he jokingly questioned. "Tyler!" I laughed as I playfully hit his arm.

I pulled out the sketch of Dema that was in my back pocket that my friends and I had made awhile back.

I also told him about Ryan and how the group think's he may not be dead but a traitor instead.

"I mean it's possible.. maybe he was so scared and traumatized that once he found a way out, he saved his own ass but.." he said as I cut in.

"It seems unlikely. I don't know why, but I don't think he just left them." I admitted, having faith in a man I've not met. "I don't think so either." He agreed.

"So if we both can agree that he's not a traitor. What did he find that got him in hot water?" I pondered while focusing on the sketch in my hand.

"No idea, but we need to find out." He said as he too began looking over the sketch.

"These are all too obvious.. an infirmary.. a library.. we should be looking in more low-key places." He suggested.

"You're right.. but where do we start? I mean where else could we find answers.. the only ones who have them are the bishops." I pointed out.

"Exactly, which means we need to find out where they stay or where they keep everything." He concluded.

"There's no way we would be able to find that out.. like where would we start? We should start smaller." I suggested realizing there would be no way.

We both just stood there and silently thought. "Cassandra!" I exclaimed. "What about her?" Tyler questioned.

"She must know everything they're doing, plus she's only one person. What if we follow her around and see all of the places she goes?" I proposed.

"You know what.. that actually sounds like a good idea." Tyler began.

"But we don't even know where she is." He stated as I realized he was right.

Where could we even find her? We rarely see her or the bishops around. They're like the puppet masters. Out of sight but controlling everyone and everything.

The only way I could think of getting her attention was though an injury.

"Remember how anytime someone with a chip get's injured, it automatically alerts her and she comes to give assistance?" I asked trying to remind him.

"Yeah but we don't have our chips implanted anymore so how could that work?" He asked confused while I on the other hand, had a slightly sinister idea.

"True, but there's a couple hundred people here who do." I stated as Tyler raised an eyebrow.

"Oh no, you're not thinking of bashing a rock over someones head again are you?" He cautiously questioned.

"Excuse me sir, I did that to save your ass last time and I'll gladly do it again." I laughed.

"Hey.. what were you stealing that day?" I asked when I realized I had no idea.

Tyler scratched the back of his neck as a sly grin spread across his face.

"Oh you know.. a switchblade." My jaw dropped. "You did not.." I had to admit, I was impressed.

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the weapon. I dramatically gave him a round of applause.

"And you think I'm the violent one." I joked as we both laughed.

"I think it might've been a bad idea to do this late at night because there's no one around right now." I stated looking around seeing as we were the only ones out.

"You're right. How about we try this again in the morning?" He suggested as I nodded.

"It's just going to be a lot harder to not be seen but.. it's our only option." I shrugged.

"Seems like it. So, um, do you want to come back to my place? You know, since you and Josh are arguing right now?" He offered as I thought about it for a second.

Josh will probably get freaked out if I don't come back but you know what?

"Yeah sure." I smiled as we began walking back to his place.

Once we got to his door, he turned to me. "Oh yeah, I forgot to tell you. I have a roommate.. who's one of them. He's harmless though." He assured.

"Okay if you say so." I smiled. We entered the room and I was met with a very tall man staring at me.

"Tyler. Who's this?" The man questioned curiously.

"Hey Dallon. This is Eden.. my girlfriend." Tyler lied wrapping his arm around my shoulder as I choked on a bit of air.

Dallon mouthed an 'Oh'. "Well it's nice to meet you Eden." He smiled at me.

He seemed like a really nice guy aside from the fact he was being brainwashed.

It made me think about how these were still people just like us. They didn't ask to be here either and they're not in their right minds to save themselves.

Someone has to.

"I'll just be on my bunk.. I have my Walkman so I won't be intruding on whatever you guys do." He winked at Tyler as he put his headphones on and climbed onto the top bunk.

How did he get a Walkman? I want one.

I looked at Tyler as I covered my mouth trying not to laugh. I didn't know what was funnier.

The fact Dallon thinks Tyler and I are dating and about to have sex or the fact he's still here and swore he wouldn't listen in on it.

"Girlfriend huh?" I laughed. "Tell me. What are we going to be doing Tyler?" I teased, while cracking up.

"Hey he bought it didn't he?" Tyler chuckled. "You can take the bed, I'll sleep on the floor." He insisted as he began laying a blanket out on the ground.

What a nice guy.

"If you sleep on the floor, Dallon will get suspicious. After all, we are boyfriend and girlfriend right?" I reminded.

"Oh.. right." He laughed, playing along.

Tyler picked the blanket up and plopped it on the bed before going to turn the lights off.

He then walked over to the bed getting in as I moved over to give him some more space.

"Goodnight." I said quietly as I closed my eyes. "Goodnight, Eden."

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