twenty six • welcome back

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We walked back up to the gates of Dema, more prepared than we had been yesterday.

We were basically hiding in plain sight.

I held the gun in my hand the same way I had last night. Just in case, but with the safety on this time.

Ryan carried a knife in his back pocket while mine remained in my bag.

It's crazy to think that right now, yellow tape could protect us more than any gun or knife could.

Just as we expected, two bishops were standing by the gate.

Ryan and I had already planned out our way in. We just weren't sure if it would work since it's so risky.

We were going to climb the gate as quietly as possible. The bishops couldn't see us but they sure as hell can hear us.

We just need to make sure they don't.

"George Ryan Ross the third if we die, I just wanna let you know that you're one of the coolest people I've met and it's been real." I said as my nerves began to kick in.

"Shut up Eden you're making me more nervous. But if we do happen to die, I can easily say the same about you." He admitted, giving me a quick hug.

"Alright, see you on the other side.. or in heaven... we'll find out shortly." I shrugged, quickly putting the gun in my bag.

I then walked up to the gate and began to climb. Ryan followed right behind me.

Unfortunately for us, it was a big climb. Once we got over the gate, we had to climb down it since we couldn't just jump from that height.

It took a lot of upper body strength, but we successfully made it.

It reminded me of the ropes they made me climb in gym class.

Dark times, dark times.

We slowly walked past the bishops trying to make no sound.

Once we were far enough away from them, we began to run.

We needed to get to our friends ASAP.

We were going to Tyler's first since his place is the closest.

"Tyler is the lead singer of Twenty One Pilots." I explained to Ryan as we stood outside of his door.

"Oh sweet, remind me to get a photo with him once we get out of here." He chuckled.

I couldn't believe we were actually in Dema.. I never thought I would ever get the chance to see my friends again.

I quickly checked my phone, seeing that it's only midnight. Hopefully he's awake.

I then took a deep breath and knocked on the door.

After about half a minute, the door slowly opened revealing Tyler.

He squinted his eyes and shook his head 'no' as he stared at me in disbelief.

"Eden?! Holy shit!" He exclaimed, as he quickly wrapped his arms around me. "We thought you were dead!"

"Tyler, what's going on?" A tired looking Jenna walked up to the door, rubbing her eyes.

She stopped right in her tracks when she saw me, and was so shocked she almost fell to the floor.

Jenna was speechless, she instantly began to cry as she lunged at me, the two of them squeezing the life out of me.

Just then, Dallon walked up to us as my eyes widened.

"Eden, wow you're back. Good to see you!" He smiled, as I nervously chuckled. "It's good to see you too.."

"Don't worry, we took his chip out while you were gone." Tyler explained.

"Oh thank god, that's awesome!" I exclaimed, giving Dallon a hug.

"Who's this?" Tyler questioned, looking at Ryan.

"This is Ryan Ross, Brendon and Pete's missing friend. I'll explain everything later but right now we have to go see Josh!" I hurriedly exclaimed

We all rushed out and headed to the place I once shared with my boyfriend.

"He hasn't been the same since you disappeared. We barely see him anymore." Tyler sighed as we stood outside the door.

I felt terrible hearing that. During my time away from Josh, I felt a bit of comfort knowing he wasn't alone.

Little did I know, he was.

Jenna knocked on the door, and I felt my heart begin to beat out of my chest.

I turned around and faced Ryan, trying to contain myself. He smiled and gave me a pat on the shoulder.

"Josh it's us. Open up it's an emergency!" Tyler spoke through the door.

My back was still facing the door, but I heard it open almost immediately after Tyler called out to him.

Even though Josh wanted to be alone, he would never turn his back on his friends when they really needed him.

I was frozen, tears instantly filling my eyes. It's been 32 days since I've heard that voice.

It may not seem that long, but for me it felt like an eternity.

"What's wrong?" Josh nervously asked. "And who are they?"

I slowly turned around as Josh quickly realized it was me.

"Oh my god!" He cried as I ran into his arms. I wrapped my legs around his waist, holding onto him for dear life.

I cried into his shoulder as he did the same.

I looked up at him and he instantly crashed his lips on mine followed by a million kisses all over my face.

Tyler, Jenna, Dallon, and Ryan, all walked into the room, closing the door behind them.

"How are you here? Is this even real? Where were you?!" Josh asked in a series of questions, not letting go of me.

"The bishops, they took me from building X.. I found out why we're here! I found out everything!" I quickly explained, as I dropped my legs from his waist.

"This is Ryan Ross. Brendon and Pete's friend who went missing. The friend who they thought abandoned them." I said as I nodded over to Ryan.

"You were right.. he didn't just leave them." Josh said in shock.

"We need to get to Brendon and Pete to explain everything. There's so much Ryan and I have to tell you all."

AN: Finally after 12 chapters, Josh and Eden are reunited! Also, Happy New Year! 💛

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