eight • hope

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AN: Trench is out! Omg it's amazing! I'm going to incorporate ideas from some of the songs into the story eventually. Also, comment what your favorite song is mine's Bandito, Chlorine, The Hype, and Pet Cheetah. Can't pick one so I gotta pick the whole thing lol. :)

Tyler's P.O.V

Eden and Josh showed me their "secret hangout spot" and introduced me to their other friends Brendon and Pete a few days ago. They also took my chip out. I decided to see them again today. "Where's Eden?" I asked. "Oh she wasn't feeling up to it, she's back home." Josh replied.

Home. That doesn't sound right. It's like since they've been here so long they're getting too used to it. What do they do here that's actually productive? Do they just hang out or do they actually try to plan out an escape? I decided to cut my visit short and go over to see Eden.

I knocked on the door and waited for her to open it but instead she yelled "It's unlocked Josh!" I knocked once again not wanting to just barge in but since I got no response, that's exactly what I did. I walked in, quickly closing the door behind me.

She was laying down on the bottom bunk facing the wall, not realizing that it was me. I cleared my throat.

"Uh hey, your friend Josh said I'd find you here." I saw her quickly wipe her eyes before turning around to face me. "Oh! Tyler.. hi.." She said as she sat up. Her eyes were red and puffy.. she had been crying.

"Woah what's wrong?" I asked as I quickly sat beside her on the bed. "N-nothing I'm okay." She gave a faint smile. "Your bloodshot eyes tell me otherwise." I pointed out. "Oh that? I've been smoking weed." She sadly joked. I gave her a 'not buying it' look before she deeply sighed.

"It's my big brothers birthday today." She began. "This is the first one I've ever missed. We would always go rollerskating and eat a whole plain chocolate cake.. it was like a tradition of ours since we were kids." She started to blink away tears as I put my hand on her back.

"You'll get to celebrate it again with him." I said trying to reassure her. "No I won't. Tyler I've been here for over two months. I'm never going to see him or anyone I love again."

She began to cry and I honestly felt really bad. I've only known her for a few days but she's been really kind to me. I'd probably be in a shit ton of trouble right now if it weren't for her persistence on trying to talk to me and for her advice on how to avoid getting caught.

"Don't say that. I promise, you will." I don't know why I'm making such a big promise but I guess it's because she's been the hopeful one since the moment I met her and I can't let her lose that. If she loses hope, she won't stand a chance.

Eden instantly did something I wasn't expecting. She turned and wrapped her arms around me. It took me a second to process what was happening but I quickly did the same.

A few hours later.

Eden's P.O.V

"You're a singer? That's so cool!" I exclaimed. I never would have guessed. Tyler and I had been talking for probably a couple hours now. It felt good, like we weren't strangers anymore.

"Yeah, I also play the piano and write. I used to play basketball but it doesn't mean as much as music does to me. I want to start a band." He stated. "Kind of lame right?" He laughed, tilting his head down. I looked directly at him, admiring him.

"Not at all. I think that's pretty sick." I admitted as Tyler quickly looked back up at me with a goofy smile. "This is the first time a girl's ever said that what I do is "sick."" He laughed.

"I meant it in a good way." I giggled. "I know, thank you." He smiled widely. "You have to sing for me sometime, I never get to listen to good music around here." I suggested thinking about the shitty live music they play every Sunday.

"I love how you're assuming my music is good." He smiled as he leaned back a little. "Can't be any worse than what they play here. Besides, if you sing something for me sometime, I'll paint you anything you want." I bargained as he chuckled.

"Hmm anything, you say.. How could I say no? You've got yourself a deal." We laughed as he reached over and shook my hand, solidifying our deal.

Tyler then looked towards the window. "It looks pretty late.. I should probably get going." He suggested. I don't know why, but I felt really disappointed. "Yeah.. You probably should." I said as we both stood up off the bed.

"So, I'll come by tomorrow in the evening and we'll go out and do some sleuthing." He said and it sounded like a statement rather than a question or suggestion. "Okay, yeah, let's do that." I smiled as we walked towards the door. "Alright, well I'll see you tomorrow." He smiled as I did the same. "See you later, Tyler."

About 15 minutes after Tyler left, Josh came back. "Hey, you were gone for awhile." I stated wondering what my friends were doing this whole time. "Yeah I know, sorry for leaving you alone. I know you were feeling extra sad today because of your brother and all.." He began but I interrupted.

"It's okay, I wasn't alone. Tyler came by for a few hours." I smiled remembering the things we talked about. Josh looked surprised.

"Really? He did? We saw him today but he left when we told him you weren't there... but I guess it makes sense now." He thought to himself.

"Yeah so what did I miss?" I questioned curiously as Josh sat down beside me. "A lot. So you know how before we met Brendon and Pete, they had a friend named Ryan?" He questioned as I vividly remembered them telling us about him.

"Yeah, Ryan.. their friend who just disappeared from here and was never found." I said wondering where this was going. "Well we've been thinking.. what if he's not dead.. what if they never killed him." Josh began as I interjected.

"What are you implying?" I questioned. "What if Ryan did find a way out but he saved himself? They were all close to getting caught, all of them were split up looking for a way out and Ryan was the only one who had not returned. Think about it." Josh finished leaving me to question it.

"Josh.. I haven't even met the guy but I'd like to think he were better than that. Don't you think that if he somehow got out he would've gone to the authorities to save his best friends? Besides that has nothing to do with us right now. Whether he's dead or alive and well.. we're the ones still stuck here. If he found a way out, we just need to do the same and if he's dead.. we just need to not end up like him." I said running my hands over my face.

"You're right. But that doesn't change the fact that if he got caught and killed, the same thing could happen to us if were not careful. I don't want that happening to any of us. Especially not you." He admitted with a deep sigh as I took his hand in mine.

"I feel the same. Josh you mean the world to me, you're my family. But we can't just do nothing. Doing nothing is the reason we're still here." I said while standing up and beginning to pace around our room. It was a nervous habit of mine.

"Doing nothing keeps us alive. I mean it's not so bad here. We have a place to live, food, friends.. it's not ideal but it's better than being dead." He said while looking sternly at me.

I came to a sudden halt, not believing what I had just heard. "You know you're really starting to sound like them." I said with annoyance evident in my voice. "How Eden? I'm sorry to break it to you but there's just no way. We can spend years fighting or we can just make the most of what we have." Josh said as he stood up to match me.

"Okay Josh, you know I would literally do anything for you but what you're implying right now makes me sick. This isn't the Josh I know. The Josh who never gave up hope. "Make the most of what we have" are you fucking kidding me? I'm willing to risk my life if it means finding a way out of here and getting back the the one we once knew. Tyler and I are going out tomorrow night to try to find out more. You're invited to come with and if not, then that's fine too."

AN: I don't like it when Josh and Eden fight. :(

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