The calm

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We pulled up to the school so i could be dropped off. Of course everybody was looking to see who that was getting out the black and white 2 door audi and who was driving it. Surprise bitches its me essence and my bitch kiki behind the wheel my girl had 4 damn cars had me thinking bout hoping on that money train and doing what she does just for a little while.

I had on a Last Kings crop top high waist jeans and some MK shoes with my hair bone straight.

I really aint have no friends at school because these bitches was grimy as fuck so i just stayed to myself i walked in and i see tysha and whitney mugging me.

what the fuck yall hoes looking at damn. See tysha aint like me cause she used to talk to my brother and i caught her cheating on him and i told him, my loyalty was to my brother not her cause she was only a hoe, whitney aint like me only cause he friend didnt like me they wasnt hurting my damn feelings tho fuck them.

Tysha aint say shit back she just mugged me as i walked off hell she knew better. i went to my locker and got ready to walk in biology, i swear i hated this damn class it was wack as hell.

School was finally over after them depressing ass hours of class and i walked outside because i knew my brother would be waiting on me. I looked for his black range rover but i didnt see it . As i was about to text him i saw him pull up.

Hey brother i missed you. Wassup shawty you good, he asked yea im straight mane mama was with that bullshit and i couldnt bare staying there any longer so i just left for the night im sorry I didn't tell you but you know how you is when your mad.

i gotcha you hungry? Yea. We pulled up at Mcallisters deli i orderd a grilled chicken club with a bacon and cheese potato a lrge tea mixed with lemonade and 2 brownies. i cant help it i like to eat i said as he gave me this funny ass look. It aint like you broke eric get my damn food make sure they put salt pepper and butter in the bag as i yelled out the window.

After about 10 minutes eric came back with my food i couldnt wait to get home so i could tear it up. To take my mind off the food i blated the radio my song by migos came on handsome and wealthy.
You niggas mistake me for Marvin
I got 15 bricks I'm finna drop
In there right next to that carbon

Thats my shit i said as we was pulling up in our drive way. There was a unfamiliar car parked in our yard i didnt recognize it hell it was prolly just some other nigga my mama had up in our house.

We walked in the house and i immediately got over excited, GRANDMA i yelled i havent seen her since my dads funeral our mom always kept us away from her. I loved my granny she was my dads mom and our bond was also unbreakable but i never dared tell her the things that were going on around here.

Granny used to be part of a mafia she would shut some shit down if needed be I knew what kind of family I had and I loved it.

I asked my granny how she got in because my mother wasnt at home yet she said she always had a spare key that was given to her by my father.

i was so excited i forgot all about my food.

We hugged our granny and said our goodbyes because she said she had errands to run so she'd see us later.

i went upstairs and instantly dug into my food.

Eric went to his room and went to sleep. I heard the door downstairs open i knew she was home. Ugh that was my mama and all but its only so much i can take.

she came to my room and sat on my bed and just stared at me. Um hey or something, instead she said essence im sorry i dont know what was wrong with me. i said its okay ma i forgive you i love you. As she was walking out of my room i seen she had on a pink dress instead of her scrubs I was so into my meal that I didn't even notice that she wasn't in her work clothes, instead of asking her about it I just minded my own business it would come out sooner or later.

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