My type of party

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I looked in the mirror one more time to check my appearance, i had on a pink polo v neck with a polo hoodie some skinny jeans and some snow boots. I got my coach bag and my keys an headed down stairs. Passion and kennedy was sitting downstairs talking "hey essence" they said. Hey yall im bout to go down to the club for a minute "ooh can i come" said passion . Girl naw ,well not yet this gotta be a surprise. "Okay" i got in my BMW m8 and cruised to the club.

The parking lot at the club was empty because ut was early in the day but i knew for a fact rico was in his office. i walked in the club to see a few strippers and a few customers. I went on upstairs to ricos office. "Essence hey babygirl or shall i say danger" Hello my wonderful employer how are you? Rico is like a brother to me since he dates kiki and all. "im good danger how are you?" im great im ready to come back to work i been off too long you know, thanks to all this drama. "yea i know". i got some good christmas gifts. "oh yea whats that?" I cant tell you just add the 2 names to my birthday banner please. "why?" Ask no questions just do as i say please after b all it is my birthday. "Okay damn whats the names?" passion and spirit. "alright i gotcha thats the last thing i gotta do anyway ill see you next saturday." ight shawty.

I drove to the mall to find us something to wear to the party we had too look good.and the especially had to if they were gonna be standing on the side of me. My party was all white so course we wearing white with gold accessories. I was on a mission when i stepped in the mall it was packed too because it w as black friday sale of course like every year.

I headed to the alexander mcqueen store to find our outfits. I had the perfect thing in mind i was gone fuck up some heads ... excuse me we was gone fuck up some heads . I found passion spirit and I some all white jump suits with sides cut our of it and a deep V-cut where the breast was it was so sexy. I found kennedy an all white dress with gold studs on it i walked in to the MK store to find us all a gold and white clutch. I went upsatirs and found the louboutin store i was gonna make sure we left blood stained foot prints on the floor as we walked in the club.As soon as i walked in the door i spotted the perfect shoe im sure it was well over $6000 it was the higness strass shoe it was gold studded with a peep toe i got all 4 of us a pair, while i was at it i got a pair of wedges. As i was leaving out the store i got a call from anthony. Hello? " Hey baby wassup" at the mall wassup with you? " nothing look i gotta fly out to paris your dad and eric is going too we'll be back friday so we can make the party" I wanted to cry so bad but instead i said "Okay baby i love you. "i love you too ma" I was sad but i had to suck it up i went in kays to find us some gold jewelry and that didnt take long at all.

I made it back to the house within 20 minutes.

I walked up to my room and took the bags with me i didnt feel like handing out anything because i was sad that anthony had to leave. I didnt even get to see him before he left i was head over hills for him and i could no longer hide it.

i laid down and took a nap for the remainder of the day just so i could get out my feelings. When i woke up it was about 6 pm i was starving so headed down stairs to fix me some shrimp and fries. As soon as i got through cookin all 3 of the girls walked through the front door and said "we right on time" Yall fay asses come eat when we get done i got something for yall. " ooh i know its sexy" said passion " we do too" said spirit and kennedy yall crazy but yall know its cute we ghot hair nails and a massage appointment saturday morning. "yass" okay yall crazy forrel hurry up so ican show yall. We hurried and got through. we went upstairs to my room and i pulled out everything and gaev it to them . they were filled with excitement. "essence your phone is ringing said kennedy." ooh my baby yall gotta get out lol.

Me: Hello

A: hey baby



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