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When Eric and i got to the hospital we asked for my mothers room. They couldn't give us the information we needed so they sent us to the waiting room. We were called back over to the nurses station and they show there is no record of a Mrs.London, eric and i looked at each other like what was really going on. I explained to the woman i got a phone call from the hospital saying my mother was in the hospital and was unconscious. The woman looked at the number and said "im sorry ma'am but thats not a hospital number" i tried calling the number back but it was saying the number was disconnected.

Once again im at a dead end what kind of games was being played and why. As Eric and i were leaving we seen a woman being rushed into the hospital on a stretcher covered in blood i couldnt recognize who it was because of all the blood but i did recognize a ring on her finger and it was the ring my dad gave my mother she never took it off so i knew that was her as much stuff she did to us it brought tears to my eyes to see her like this heartless danger crying i had to suck it up and get to the bottom of this. Eric and i ran over and explained to doctors that was our mother. Neighbors told the EMT's her and a man were seen arguing over some money outside he started beating her and she tried to run so he chased her down with his car and hit her, ran her over about 3 times before he drove off. My mama was a bitch but she didn't deserve that, he could've hit her with the car and ran her over once but 3 times is a little to much. She's hurt but that doesn't compare to the pain she caused in my life that made me change to a cold hearted bitch.

I got a phone call from that number and i heard a familiar voice " i told you i would get you back you think you could just disrespect me and your brother think he could just hit me tell my hoe to get well and hope to see her on the streets again working for me " and he hung up. I was fuming by the time i got off the phone, the whole time im trying to figure out how he got my number and what kinda games he wanna play. My daddy always used to take me to the shooting range with him so its nothing to handle business and the clean up crew is still on his payroll! I told eric about the phone call i already knew i was time for war. The doctor came out to talk to us he said "well its not looking to good for her, she has a fractured skull, all her ribs are broken, her spine was ran over so its a possibility she could be paralyzed, there is internal bleeding and we are still trying to stop it also she had a high dosage of drugs in her system and if we give her anything else she may over dose there is a 25% chance of her living" when will we be able to see her? "Let us stop the internal bleeding and you can see her."

I turned and looked at eric he was sitting right beside me but when i looked in his eyes he seemed so far away. I could tell he was hurt, she was my mother too i felt bad for her but sometimes you deserve whats coming to you. I can honestly say my mama changed me by her actions, i would've been crying my eyes out but the way she didnt care for me made me care less for her.

After an hour the doctor came back out and told us they were able to stop some of the bleeding but we could go see her.

Eric and i walked in the room to see her hooked up to so many machines i swear i thought i saw a tear escape from erics eye. The way i feel right now you cant even pay me to cry and i love money.

We stood over by the bed just looking, hell honestly i didn't know what to say. Her eyes started fluttering and she finally opened the mama i knew was a beautiful woman a head full of jet black curly hair light skin with green eyes and she was thick in all the right places but the person im looking aRt is skinny and frail , with matted thin hair, her green eyes were now cold and grey and her skin was pale this life has surely took a toll on her.

She tried to speak but i couldn't make it out. She looked at eric and said "im sorry." She looked up at me and all she said was "your just like you father." After she said that i just looked at her then her heart rate started rising she was breathing out of control, as eric went to go get the doctors i just stood there i couldn't move because i was trying to figure out what that meant. I watched her as she took her last breath while staring at me.

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