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Gramunation- graduation/ammunition

That news that I just got pissed me off i always knew some sneaky shit was going on but i didn't wanna believe it, because when i started making major bank in the club the bitches that put me on start acting shady then, fire would only talk to me when they not around.

I called everybody home for a family meeting kennedy was at the store with passion and Spirit Eric and Anthony was somewhere, my dad hadn't been over since that shit went down, but i had to call him and tell him to come over for a family meeting.  Seems as if everyone got here at the same time when i told them it was an emergency. Everyone came in and took a seat around the business table in the meeting room my dad put in the house.

Yall listen to this voicemail.. " really essence you called Us for a voicemail " they all say. If yall shut the fuck up and listen damn let me at least play it.

" hey essence this fire (lexis) from the club look im going away for awhile but yall watch yall back kiki and ice had set up for kennedy to be killed the night of the party at the club because she wanted get her out the way so she can get to eric and she dont even want kacey she just wanted to say she had his baby they plotting on yall so beware i cant be around this shit but im throwing away my phone and ill write you whenever i land oh yea another thing i gotta tell you kiki dad plans on killing------ to delete press 7 "

i ended the call and looked at them. Every body looked like they was ready to tear some shit up."really i almost lost my life because of one of your hoes eric, not even only my life you daughters life as well what kind of shit is this."

" the fact that she coming for all of us though makes no sense, eric you must got some good sex or something, cause this hoe is bopped" said spirit.

"What im not finna do is be looking over my shoulders everywhere i go " said passion.

My dad just sat there looking and i knew the wheels in his head was spinning and soon we were gonna be putting his plan into action.

"Ima kill this bitch" said eric

"Aye bruh keep calm its gone get handled believe me" said Anthony

Everybody just lay low for a lil minute  we can put the plan into action.

Then my dad finally spoke up "it all makes sense now kiki wanna get close to eric and get into our family so she can learn more about our family business and help her dad take over, now i remember kiki's dad and i used to work together a long time ago he got locked up and i got put on top i heard he was out of jail and nie he wants to kill me so he can get my spot in the game but i cant let that happen im not gone let that happen now that ive came out of hiding he didnt know who his competitor was now he know that its been me this whole time i was just undercover all of this makes sense now"

We were interrupted by a knock at the door. I went to go open it and it was rico and baby kacey. Um hey yall "she left and left me with the baby" Well damn she really didn't want her i cant believe this. Well she can live here she is my niece her mother is about to be ..... My voice trailed off because i didn't want to say what i was about to say because her daughter was in the room.

Lets just get this plan on the road we have to get them before they get us.

Almost 2 months have gone by an we had been laying low. Kennedy had Khalee and Khaliyah on april fools and now they are a month and 16 days they are so beautiful and im happy they are here Kacey fits right in and she looks at kennedy as her mother. Spirit is now 5 months pregnant and she is having a boy she hasnt decided on the name yet but i think he is going to be a jr. Today is graduation day ,my sisters an I are graduating today. We are too damn happy but i feel like shit has been to quiet and i just know something is going to go down and i hope everybody is ready cause i know this day not gone end happily.

We got dressed and slipped on our gowns Anthony was assisting me, coby was helping passion and rico was helping spirit, dad,eric, and kennedy was downstairs waiting on us to come down. We were damn flawless i swear we looked good spirit cheeks were chunky because of the baby but it was so cute and she had this glow to her ahhhh shes beautiful,coby and passion was were taking selfies in their cap and gown Anthony and i were doing the same so was spirit and rico.

We all looked so happy, they had the babies car seats downstairs and everyone was ready to go. Dad rented us a Bentley limo and that bitch was nashhtyyyy. They all rode in their cars and we rode im the limo with our men. We pulled up to the coliseum and made our way inside.

60 names later they called us essence london, passion london, spirit london. As soon as spirit made it off the stage shots rang out i ran back and grabbed my sister to protect my unborn nephew.  My nieces, and my family, were in that crowd and everybody cleared out the coliseum shots were still being fired 2 of my classmates got hit that was standing near us so i knew who they was targeting and i was not about to let that happen passion and i ran with spirit out the coliseum and to our limo.

The driver was already waiting with the door open and i called my Anthony while getting in the limo and spirit called my dad. I wasn't prepared for what i saw when i got in or shall i say who. Kiki what the fuck you doing in here, i slipped my phone in the sleeve of my gown before it was saw and she say passion with hers so you know she took it.

"You bitches, some dumb as bitches as that" she spat. "Spirit you had a baby with my man" said kiki waving her gun" and "essence you took over the club that was my spotlight and you just had to come in and be the center of attention huh, with your spoiled ass." "Passion i just don't like you cause you look like them." "Really bitch thats why you dont like me i knew you was crazy but damn."

"You haven't seen crazy yet, bruno takem to the dungeon" bruno? I thought to myself our driver name was danny and just then i figured out why he had kept his hat low.

We made it to the "dungeon" as kiki call it, in about a hour. Her people dragged us out the car like we were damn criminals. Poor spirit i cant imagine whats going through her head.

" i dont even want your deaths to be slow and gruesome i just want to get it over with, then ill have 3 down and 1 to go and if i have to i will kill the kids as well"

All of this over my brother? You a stupid ass female thats very twisted in the head kiki.

By killing us not gone make him want you anyway with ya fake ass.

"Shut up bitch you dont know what your saying"

Yes i do your trying to eliminate my sisters, kennedy , the kids if necessary and me! Bitch my brother gone hate you.

"Didnt she tell you to shut the fuck up" said ice as she walked in. I just laughed, then i felt the cold steel of a semi automatic on my head .

Kiki placed hers against spirit stomach and bruno had his on passion, this was not the way i pictured my life ending it was just getting started my thoughts started to drift as i remember all of the happy times in my life.

"You read to die bitches" well i guess they got us before we got them, i thought to myself.  

I hope you burn im hell kiki, "same to you bitch ill see you soon" yea sooner than later and then i heard shots ring out.

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