Hear me out

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I was crying and didnt even know until he said "baby girl stop crying im here" Thats the fucking problem your here, here standing in front of me an i thought you were dead ive been hurting since i was 4 years old ! You didn't think not one time how the fuck this would affect me "essence I --- " save the bullshit and you anthony i trusted you i really did why did you even bother holding this from Fuck yall.
I packed my bags in a hurry i was zoned out i hopped on the first flight back to atlanta i shouldve never left or fell for anthony.

I texted Kiki as soon as i landed and told her i was headed over.

I had so much running through my mind
why would he do this and what about the dream i had like i was talking to him, who grave was i visiting , and who else knew about this.

I pulled up at kiki house she was already at the door. "Hey boo whats up?"

KiKi they lied to me they played me how could they!!! I was hysterical.

"Essence baby calm down whats going on"

Kiki he isnt dead my dad isnt dead why did they lie man.
Why did anthony know the truth and not tell me.

"Did you at least stay to hear them out essence?"

No i left kiki i couldnt tolerate it so i had to leave i cant believe this mane i jus cant!

I feel so stupid i told anthony no matter what i would stay no matter how bad the road gets but if they dont have a legitimate reason I'm done.

"Baby whatever reason it is im sure it a good one dont be so quick to give up boo, anthony makes you really happy i see so just hear them out, christmas is
In a few days invite them over and sit down and talk about it."

I dont want my christmas to be ruined an-- "essence stop being stubborn invite them over sit down and talk about it."

I left kiki house stopped at pizza hut to get me some wings and i was on my way home.

When i got there i instantly got mad i saw the phantom so i knew eric already knew what was going on. Instead of goin through the front door i walked up the balcony stairs to my room sat in my bed and started eating as i watched love and hip hop atlanta.

Im not going to work till my birthday but i will go by the club to see what they came up with for my party, then again i may just wait to be surprised.

When i got done eating i looked at my phone it was a text from anthony

"Look essence i know your hurt but im sorry its a really good reason for all of this i wish you would hear us out, we're at your house i hope you come home soon i love you"

I got my clothes out to get in the shower and texted Kiki and told her they were here when i got home.

I didn't wait for a reply i just went and got in the shower. I stayed in the shower for about an hour crying my heart out i had so many questions that needed answers and i guess i was just gonna have to face my fears and figure out the truth. When i walked out the bathroom Anthony was laying across my bed looking right at me.
I didn't wanna deal with this. "Essence baby im sorry its a good reason for this but its not my place to tell you?" Why anthony what is your reason not his yours."Ive been working for your father since i was 12 and he needed help, he helped me when i was in need so i helped him."

Im still not understanding why he lied about being dead my life has been hell mane. "Baby do you not realize you father was and still is the biggest drug lord of the south, come down stairs
When your done so you can know the full story baby and do you forgive me" ill forgive you if the reason he gives is good enough.

I got dressed and i was down stairs in about 10 minutes.

Mr.London himself i say " essence eric
Im so sorry let me explain" i looked at eric and i could tell he had been crying.

"Look as you know i was the biggest drug lord in the south, i had people gunning for my spot so i had to fake my death to protect myself and mostly yall, my family my world. They was coming for all our ass and if i died i knew it would be over, i knew you would be alive to live the rest of your lives im sorry i know i caused a lot of pain, and essence one night you thought you were dreaming when i told you about anthony i was in your room baby girl i have keys and codes to this house. Yall are my babies and i love yall im truly sorry"

I couldnt do anything but run to my daddy arms because i missed him oh so much.

I forgive you anthony it was a great reason i love you .

Now im tired im going to bed. "Im going to my hotel" said my dad " im staying here" said anthony

Anthony and i went up to my room and made passionate love for the rest of the night. It was great

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