Sand Planet

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Max couldn't remember the last time he was this exhausted but all he knew was that he had to stay awake so he knew exactly where his new foster parents were taking him.

This sucked, he'd wanted to stay with Gwen and David but thanks to the law  it just wasn't possible yet.

He knew they'd promised to get him back no matter what but given his previous track record with trusting adults, he was a little uneasy.

What if they'd been lying to him? What if they didn't care? They were probably glad they didn't have to deal with a problem child like him anymore and honestly, he couldn't exactly blame them for feeling that way.

"Ah good we're almost there, Maxwell if you take a look to your left you can see Beach City from here."

"Oh yeah, I hope it's as interesting as you make it-...sound.."

It was if all the snark had faded from his body as he eyes drank in the sight that was Beach City at night.

It looked so small and peaceful and the way the water was illuminated by  the moon, stars, and city lights just set his heart aflutter.


"Beautiful isn't it? When I Doug and I first saw it we knew we had to move here. Something about the ambiance just makes it feel like everything is going to be okay. Do you feel the same way?"

"I guess so, it's better than where I used to live."

"City or country?"


Of course he was telling her a half truth, he didn't know her so there was no reason for her to know the whole story. The honest truth was that he did in fact live in a suburb but he never ventured out due to the fact that his parents didn't want to risk his injuries or their home life to be exposed. Max basically spent most of his days in a room staring at nothing but four walls all day. Well, at least he had Mr. Honey Nuts.

"Mrs.Maheswaran, what's over there?"

Max had pointed towards a part of the island where there was a large cliff and a lighthouse, but that wasn't what had him curious. At the bottom of the cliff he swore it looked like there was an arm or two sticking out of it.

"That's where one of our daughter's friends lives. He's an...interesting boy. They're actually having a sleepover right now so you won't meet her until tomorrow."

"Aren't you worried she and Mr.Interesting are know?"

Doug swerved as he and his wife both turned a deep shade of red while Max snickered internally.

"Now you l-listen here, our daughter is a good girl and would never do something!"

"You know what they say about good girls, come on."

Mrs.Maheswaran seemed to blush even deeper as she started to go over multiple inappropriate scenarios in her mind.

"Oh my god Doug, you don't think-"

"Connie would never and besides, you forget that he has three moms and a dad to watch out for any of that."

"That sounds like one wicked orgy man."

Doug was glad that they were home because if Max said one more thing like that, he was pretty sure he was going to drive all three of them into oncoming traffic.

"Okay we're here."

Max exited the vehicle and ended up standing in front of a large townhouse that was linked to two others that were exactly the same.

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