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Max walked into the Maheswaran Home with his hood pulled so far over his head that you only see his mouth and chin.

Priyanka and Doug were in the kitchen aggressively whispering about something while Connie sat in the dining room with a book in hand.

"Uh...I'm back?"

Their conversation ceased as they both looked down at the small boy. Priyanka narrowed her eyes a bit while Doug's were stern but sympathetic.

"Where have you been Maxwell?"

Ouch, real name. He was in some shiiiiiiiiiit.

"O-Out with a friend..."

"Mhm, a friend. Would this friend happen to be Steven Quartz Universe?"

"Y-Yes ma'am..."

What the fuck was he saying? Why was he calling this dried up cunt "ma'am"?

It was strange but when she scolded him, he always felt smaller than he actually was. It was like being yelled at by his real parents, minus the fist.

"You two delinquents have caused so much trouble in such a short time. Do you have ANYTHING to say for yourself?!"

Max flinched and took a step back that Doug noticed.

"That's enough Priyanka, you're scaring him."

"I'm scaring him but he's the one who put us through hell?! What kind of logic is that Doug?!"

"The good kind. Because we're the adults here and given his past, you don't have to yell at him like that!"

Max growled and ripped the hood off his head, revealing a bloody nose, a bruised cheek, and one bloodshot eye.

Both of the adults gasped while Connie just watched them all from her seat.

" so fucking sick of people thinking that my past defines me. Yeah my old man beat the crap outta me just because it was Wednesday. Yeah my mom neglected me. Yeah I have a fucked up life. But that isn't who I am. Or maybe it is..."

He didn't give them time to say anything and just turned and ran up the stairs, slamming his door once he got there.

"Oh my don't think he was-"

"I hope not. I don't think there are people like that in Beach City."

Connie sighed and closed her book before following Max's lead.

She stopped outside his door and knocked twice but when there was no answer, she let herself in.

Max was on his stomach with his face buried in his pillows. She couldn't tell if he even knew she was there so she tapped him and got an angry grunt.

"You know, when you first got here I thought you were definitely going to be a pain. And you are a pain but you became a manageable pain. But've created a rift in my family. They've been arguing nonstop ever since you left about what to do with you, what they did wrong, and how the other was to blame. You don't have to live with them after David and Gwen finally take you. I do. So could you please not do anything like this again, because unlike you I don't come from a broken home nor so I want to."

Max sat up and scowled at the girl who had an annoyed look on her face. It was time to hurt a bitch's feelings.

"You are such a fucking princess you know that right? All your life things have gone right for you, so you've never had to give a damn about anything. You never had to wonder about which week the next meal was coming or if daddy's friend had gonorrhea after he went in with no condom."

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