Requiem (Alternate Ending)

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He'd been warm and very content, but of course that had to be ripped away from him when the vile monster lifted him out of bed and into his arms.

"Dammit Dad..."

"Language, and I told you that you'd have to get up early last night but no, you just had to stay up on that videogame."

"Hey Fortnite is more than just a game. You have to make strategic moves and judgments just to keep you and your teammates alive and junk."

"Uh huh, is that why you were screaming because you kept getting blown up?"

"Those assholes brought rocket launchers to a gunfight!! Who fuckin does that?!"

"Your mother."

"Mom's different."

"Not really."

"Fuck you."

"I love you too."

David placed Max in his seat at the table while Gwen placed a plate of food in front of him. She'd blown up in the past few months and looked like she could pop at any second, which meant that this could possibly be their last trip as a family of three.

"Let me get that for you, Mrs. Pine.", David said as he pulled her chair out for her and smiled. It was still weird to think of them as a married couple but Max wasn't exactly complaining since this meant that there was no chance of his mom and dad separating again. Then again, he could do without them making out at the table.

"If I wasn't so tired, I'd say ew right now."

"Whoops, sorry buddy."

"Hey, once you get some real manhood between your legs you'll be trying to do this as well if not more."



Both males went red in the face as she smugly chewed a piece of bacon whilst rubbing her engorged belly. Just because she was pregnant, a wife, and a mom didn't mean that she wasn't going to be a bitch every now and again.

"I-In any case, we need to get on the road as soon as possible. So once you're done eating Max, I'll need you to get ready and help me load things into the car."

"Yeah yeah I got it Camp Man."

On the inside he was stoked because he'd see Steven, Connie, Neil, and Nikki again, but he'd never let his parents know that. He may have been a camper, a friend, and a son, but that didn't mean he wasn't going to be a little asshole every now and again.

"Good, now dig in!"

After breakfast they did exactly what they said they would do while Gwen sat on the touch and read a magazine while reality TV played in the background and when they were done, David sent Max back into the house to retrieve Gwen.

"Time to go."

"Got it, let me just- oh."

"W-What's wrong?!"

"Relax kid, it's just the baby kicking. I wouldn't scar you for life by puking a baby out of my-"

"Okay okay!!"

"I'm kidding. Wow he's being really active right now, must be excited."

"H-He is?"

"Wanna feel?"

Max shuddered a bit, he'd been okay with the idea of being a big brother for a while now but to have the due date so close and the little stinker movie around inside Gwen was...surreal.

What if the kid didn't like him and merely thought of him as an outsider intruding on his family? What if he hated him?



"It's okay, it won't hurt him or me."

"But what if he doesn't like me touching him or you?"

"I'm sure he doesn't care, just come here."

Max shuffled over to her and sat beside her on the couch before allowing her to take his hand place it on her stomach. It felt warm as usual but everyone now and again there was an occasional movement that made chills run up and down his spine. This was the miracle of life.

"See, he stopped moving the moment I touched him."

"That means your touch is calming to him, and that means he really likes you."

"He does?"

"Trust me, when he's here you two will be the best of friends. Just give it time."

The sound of a camera shutter and sniffling made Max jerk his head around. David was standing there with his phone in hand and happy tears running down his cheeks. Dumbass.

"That was so beautiful."

"You're reading into this way too much."

"Gotta agree with the brat on this one."


"Dammit all."

David and Gwen shared a laugh while he helped her to her feet and held her for a bit. Hard to believe that a few months ago this definitely wouldn't have been possible. But now they'd finally gotten their happy ending, the peace they'd tried to achieve for so long. It was theirs, and no one could take it from them.

And since there was no one else around~

Max ran to both his parents and hugged them only to be hugged back and held in the warm embrace of their arms.

"What's brought this on, you usually aren't so affectionate unless you're 'little'."


"I love you guys...I wouldn't be this happy if it wasn't for you. So, thank you."

He immediately regretted saying that the moment David lifted him into his arms and started bawling.



"Nah, I think you should let him hold you. It's not everyday his wittle boy says he wuvs his daddy."

Max may have turned red but he wasn't about to take it back, he did love his daddy and he'd never stop.

When all the lovey dovey bullshit and the little side was put away, David placed him on the ground and ruffled his hair.

"Ready to go?"


But that enthusiasm was immediately replaced with a feeling of dread. When Max made eye contact with his father, he noticed that their was a trail of a dust like substance emanating from his body. But it wasn't coming from his body, it was his body. David immediately had cracks forming throughout his being and looked incredibly surprised and worried.




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