Say Amen

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Steven groaned as he felt something constantly poking him in the gut since he knew there was only one person who'd do that.

"Mmmm...Fleix lemme sleep.."

"Nope, we had a deal remember? Dad got me up early so now you have to too."


He sat up and rubbed the sleep out of his eyes as Felix sat at the foot of his bed and examined his blades.

Long before Steven had been born, Rose had given them to Felix as a gift and a way to protect himself. She'd never told him what he'd be protecting himself from but he got the idea when he'd FINALLY convinced Garnet and Pearl to let him go on a mission.

Like gem destabilizers his blades could destroy a gem's physical form, but unlike destabilizers his could shatter a gem.

No one knew why Rose Quartz who was so adamant about not shattering, would give this kind of a weapon to a human. But she was Rose so no one questioned it.

"You're taking them with you?"


"Are they for...Max?"

"I may hate him but I'd never kill nor want to see him dead. There's been an increase of corrupted gems lately and I just want to be able to protect myself and him if I find in a bad area. Plus Jasper knows him and that's really bad."

"Yeah she's probably still sore about Maven beating her."

Felix flinched a bit at the mention of the fusion but swallowed his anger and stood up as the gems exited their rooms.

"I gotta go, you and Amethyst have fun okay?"

"We will!"

Felix ruffled Amethyst's hair as he walked past the super mopey gem and stepped onto the warp pad with the others.

When they were gone, she raided the fridge and consumed...well basically everything before trying to go back to her room.

"W-Wait Amethyst I-"

"I know about the arrangement Steven. Don't worry, I'll be back before they do and then we can just tell them we spent the day together."

"But that's lying!"

"So what?!"

"So, we're going to see Peridot and Lapis today and that's final!"

"Uuuuuuugh, fine but you better hurry up Ste-man."

"I'll be done in a jiffy."

After getting ready for the day they hitched a ride on a passing train that would take them to the countryside. Amethyst was still being distant but that didn't stop Steven from trying.

"Sooooo, how've you been? We haven't really talked since you've reformed."


"Amethyst...I wish you'd talk to me. We used to be so close and now it's like you can't stand to be around me."

"It isn't you Steven, it's me."

Steven glanced at her as she stood and watched the sunflowers go by, a certain sadness present in her eyes.


"What?! No you're not!"

"I am...I couldn't even last five minutes against Jasper. And what's worse is that you and an inexperienced human did the impossible."

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