♥Chapter Two-Who's The Hunk♥

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♥Jayla's POV ♥

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♥Jayla's POV ♥

The dance floor is full of people dancing, grinding actually, to "Liquor" by Chris Brown. I can feel the alcohol burning through my veins as I finish my third drink.

"Do you want another drink, beautiful? Same thing?" The same stunning bartender asks me when he walks over to my table in the back corner.

"Actually, give me a Grey Goose and cranberry on the rocks," I tell him with a smile. There is something about this man that grabs my attention. I've been admiring him from a distance since we arrived.

"Coming right up!" A few moments later he brings two drinks over and takes a seat across from me. "So, what is your name, beautiful?"

With the drinks I've consumed I no longer feel shy. So I smile and respond, "my name is Jayla, Jayla Conway." I take a sip of my drink, letting the coldness calm me down.

"I'm Jayceon Knight," he tells me as he brings my hand up to meet his lips.

When his lips touch my hand I don't feel a 'slight spark'. No! I feel a whole damn explosion  inside of me.

"There is something about you Jayla, I'm not sure what it is, but I want to get to know you better."

I look into his sparkling blue eyes, and for some reason I can feel his honesty; even if he won't look at me directly in my eyes.

"Well, what do you want to know, Mr. Knight?"

"Everything! I know we don't know each other but I want to ask you on a date for this Wednesday. You can get to know me and I, you." He says looking a little nervous while biting his plump bottom lip.

He is correct, I don't know him, but I can always get to. "Okay, deal, Wednesday is good with me. It will have to be after 4 PM when I get off from work."

"Great! Always remember this moment, darlin', it is when your life forever changed." Jayceon says as he excuses himself then goes into the employee office door.

I'm sitting here mesmerized by this man. Was accepting a date, so quickly, the right thing to do? Goodness, why do I have these damn butterflies in my tummy? Hmm, it must be the alcohol making me a little tipsy.

Lily plops down in a seat at the table, looking like she has had way too much to drink. "Who's the hunk, Jay?" She questions me, with a bright smile on her face.

"That 'hunk' as you call him, is Jayceon. We have a date on Wednesday," I tell her, grinning as I sip on my drink.

"It's about time, dang. You've not been on a date in over a year, babe! Guess who has a date tomorrow as well?"

She is giggling like a kid, I'm wondering how she can talk straight with the many drinks she has consumed.

"With who?" I ask her bluntly.

"That rugedly handsome bouncer, Wesley." She says then clasps her hands together as she stands up and wobbles a bit. "I'm going to go dance with my own hunk."

I can't help but to laugh at her, she truly is a free spirit. I just hope Wesley and her will be good for one another. The last date she had was horrid. She ended up needing a restraining order to protect her from the guy and is now banned from the Indian restaurant.

While reminiscing over the memories of Lily's wild night, Jayceon walks back to the table and sits down in the chair he previously sat in.

"Sorry, sweetheart, I had to take care of some business, rearrange some scheduling and make someone take my shift for Wednesday." He says with another wink, goodness I will melt into a puddle around him if he keeps winking at me.

"Wait, you said, 'make someone', do I even want to know what that means?" I ask him. What did this guy do to 'make' someone do anything?

He laughs and, of course, his laugh is even sexy. "I'm the owner of this bar, Jayla!"

I place my palm on my forehead and sigh. Wow, didn't think of that obvious answer. "Oh," is all I can say, feeling embarrassed.

"What did you think I meant? That I beat up one of my bartenders to make one of them switch with me?" He asks, still laughing, so hard.

"Umm, maybe," I sheepishly tell him, looking down into my empty cup.

"Darlin', I'm not violent for one. Secondly, I doubt my bartenders, Zayne and Hayden, would put up with that. Also, lastly, hold your beautiful head up so I can see that pretty face of yours."

I instantly lift my head up and his eyes meet mine for the first time tonight. We both gasp out loud.


I know this chapter is super short.. I'm so sorry.. But I have the next 3 chapters wrote out, just need to type them out. They are much, much longer. Also, one of the upcoming chapters includes a sweet, steamy smut scene.

*If y'all notice any errors or grammar mistakes just point them out so I can edit and fix them.
*The video above is "Liquor" By Chris Brown!
*Any ideas for the story?
*I will include a warning before any sex scene for those readers who wish to skip it.
*Leave me some sweet love, comments and likes.


This chapter is dedicated to a sweet, beautiful young lady. HedaLexaWoods 😘

*Until next chapter*

♥Holly Boo♥


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