Chapter 16- Facing Reality

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Zoe is dying from cancer.

How did this happen? One minute we're singing and dancing at my party, the next my mom and Zoella are in the hospital.

Jayla hasn't spoke for ten minutes. After Khyla told us about Zoe's diagnosis Jayla walked out without saying anything. Obviously I followed her to comfort her. She is standing at the nursery window looking at the newborn babies with her hand on the window.

“Jayceon,” she speaks, eyes still looking at the babies.

“Yes, love?” I come up behind her and wrap my arms around her small waist, laying my head on her shoulder.

“Do you believe there is a birth for every death? A reason people die?” Jayla asks me with a sad smile on her face. She traces her fingers over the window and she watches a newborn baby girl wiggle around.

I believe that everything happens for a reason. Sometimes we understand the reasoning, sometimes we spend years searching for an answer.” I explain as I lift her chin up so she is looking at me. “We will get through this together, baby. Day by day, minute by minute, I will be by your side through all of the hard times.”

“Oh Jayceon, what will I do without Zoe?”

“We’ll deal with that when the time comes. Right now let's go spend some time with her.” I'm trying my best to comfort Jayla, but I feel helpless.

I grab her hand as we walk to the elevators to go back down to Zoe's floor. When we get near her room everyone is in the hallway and the girls are crying. Zayne has an arm around Menha and Khyla, trying to soothe each of them.

God, please don't tell me Zoella is gone. Jayla will never forgive herself for walking out.

“What’s going on?” I ask Hayden in a rushed breath.

“Zoe is breathing over the ventilator. They are extubating her right now,” Hayden answers.

“Extubating?” Jayla questions him with her eyes wide in panic.

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