Meet Henry Chapman

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He paces in front of his father's desk, running his fingers through his hair. "How in the hell are we supposed to deal with this father? I can't believe she did this! I thought she was untraceable! You and your brothers have signed our death warrants!" He yelled.

"Twenty-eight years ago genealogy sites didn't exist! I've already contacted them and they're on it!" His father Mateo slams his hands on the top of his desk.

"Almost nobody knew what DNA was back then." Mateo dropped down into his chair.

"So, literally men in black are going to show up at her home, kidnaping her, and taking her halfway around the globe. I know you said she was raised by good people, but so much for protecting the girl or my future! The girl is going to be scared shitless!" Henry paced.

"You don't think I know that, I didn't want this for her and neither did your mother, but we had no choice." He rubbed his temple in discomfort.

"You saved her life, yes, but we've got a mess on our hands. If anyone finds she even exists, I'm screwed!" Henry plops down in a chair across from his father.

"What were our choices, son? Raise you in danger because the girl you were supposed to marry lost both of her parents? She would have the weight of the world on her shoulders. We've delayed this long enough." Mateo reached for his phone.

"She's probably 200 lbs and has body acne. I'm screwed." Henry said in his English accent.

"There's no way, son. Her mother was gorgeous, and Maxwell was...well the ladies liked him I guess." Mateo rolled his eyes while talking about his best friend.

"Dad, wait. What's the worst that could happen? It's not like anyone knows she's alive. Maybe just send protection to silently watch her for a bit, maybe?" He askedm

"No! She's my godchild and I've kept her safe for nearly thirty years. I'm not about to stop now, and if the CIA was able to be notified, then who's to say the leftists haven't also been notified. Besides, once you're married she will be safe." Mateo assured Henry.

Mateo spoke on his phone. "Yes, please do bring her as soon as possible. She is not to be harmed."

"I'm not marrying that girl. You're shit out of luck." Henry stood and marched out of Mateos office, slamming the door on his way out.

"Bloody MI6 and CIA! Why can't I have a normal family?" He muttered to himself.

"What's up chap?" Alexander slaps Henry's back.

"Nothing, I'm fine." He spit out, just before he slammed his office door shut in Alexander's face.

"Fucking dutchess bullshit, goddamn fucking fat ass brat...." Henry continued to curse the woman he's never met, but was warned about his entire life.

He got a text.

Mateo: If she looks anything like Waverly, you'll be thanking me and all the elders.

Henry: Screw you old man!


Years ago, a darling baby girl cried as her dead parents laid dead feet away.

"Maxwell!" Mateo cried as Gina held Waverly in her arms.

"Mateo! I can hear Rose crying!" Gina cried out, and Mateo jumped to his feet and ran for the little duchess.

Gina stood and tried to straighten herself out, before the darling child is brought down in Mateo's strong arms.

"Why did they kill them and not little Rose?" Gina asked.

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