Doctor Blake

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Blake changed back into her pajamas and threw on her robe.  She was determined to find food since she's had almost nothing all day.  As she looked for the kitchen, she heared a crash and what sounds like two men fighting. 

She ran in the direction of the noise and found two grown men drunk and rolling on the floor laughing.  She noticed blood and it seemed her, doting husband, was bleeding from a gash on his head.

"What the hell is going on in here?"  She yelled.

The two men looked at each other and laughed.  "Mind your own business, lady,"  Henry yelled.

"He's drunk, Blake."  Alexander laughed.

"From the looks of it, you're no better!  Henry, you're bleeding."  She stood with her hands on her hips.  "Meet me in the kitchen. "  She said as she turned and walked away. 

The two men looked at each other and laughed.

They stumbled their way into the kitchen, and found Blake brewing some coffee and looking through the cabinets.  "What are you looking for?"  Henry stumbled onto a stool at the counter.

"First aid kit, genius."  She answered.

"You're the doctor, you don't have a black bag?"  He tilted his head.

"I do in Boston, but you see, I was plucked out of my front yard with nothing but my dog and my purse."  She stated matter of factly.

"Laundry room around the corner."  Henry slurred.

She walked where he was pointing and came back with the kit.  "My sister is shipping some of my belongings and I should receive mine.  I hope this isn't a habit."  She said as she set the kit on the counter.

"You have a sister?"  Alexander asked.

"Yes, an adopted sister."  She answered as she put on gloves. 

"I'm not diseased,"  Henry said with a scowl on his face.

"That may be true, but there to protect you as much as myself."  She said.

"You're diseased?" Henry looked at her in shock.

"No, you buffoon!  There are germs everywhere, and the last thing you need is an infection."  She put antiseptic on a piece of gauze.  He winced as she dabbed it on the cut.

He can almost see her cleavage and his throat bobbed as he swallowed hard.  He thought what might be under that shirt must be breathtaking.

"You don't really need stitches, and the butterfly bandages will work just fine."  Her breath brushed over his neck as she reached for the supplies.

Christ, she smelled good, and Henry's foggy mind wondered what her beautiful lips would taste like.

"You need to clean this daily with some soap and water.  The butterfly stitches should stay on for a few days."  She blew cool air on the cut and his breath hitched. 

She placed the bandage, then walked over and threw her gloves away.

"Doctor, my neck hurts," Alexander said with a sly grin on his face.  "There's nothing wrong with your neck."  She said as she cleaned up her mess.

"You should kiss it and make it feel better."  He teased.

"Boundaries, Alexander."  Henry reminded him, and she looked at her husband. 

"Why would you care?" She gave him a disgusted look and he shrugged his shoulders. 

"Are you guys hungry?  I was going to make some pasta.  I think some food would do you both some good."  She looked for a pot to make some pasta.

"Sure," Alexander said.

Once she had the water in the pot and some pasta sauce simmering, she jumped up on the counter and sat.  Swaying her feet, neither man can stop themselves from looking at her soft tan legs.

"Why did you become a doc?"  Alexander asked.

"Well, no honorable story to tell the reason.  Medicine always intrigued me and I love children.  I'm a pediatrician."  She said.

"Oh, so you can only heal children?"  Henry asked.

"Well, I mean I'm a general practitioner, so I can see anyone actually.  I just specialize in children's medicine."  She answered. 

Henry just sat and took in the sight of her legs. 

"Have you ever been to London?"  He asked another question. 

"No actually.  I've traveled the U.S. and I've been to Canada and the Bahamas, but nothing this far away from home.  I never had much of a chance with my training."  She answered.

"How is it that a woman as beautiful as you, aren't in magazines or movies?"  Alexander asked and she blushed .

"Thanks, but I did model in my teens."  She answered, and before she finished, both men already had their phones out searching the web.  She noticed the water boiling and added the pasta, before jumping back up on the counter.

"Damn, you've done a lot of charity work."  Alexander noticed.

"Some."  She answered.

"Holy bloody..."  Henry gave Alexander a death glare before leaning over and looking at his phone to see what he found.

"  Henry gave Alexander a death glare before leaning over and looking at his phone to see what he found

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"Wow!"  He said, and looked at Henry.

Henry rolled his eyes for outward appearances, but internally he cursed himself and his situation.

She jumped down and started serving pasta on plates, setting it down in front of the men before making her own in a bowl, then jumped back up on the counter.

"What else do you do?  What's the party scene like in Boston?"  Alexander questioned.

"I'm actually not sure.  I hear it's good, but as I said before, I've been busy for many years.  I was also married in college, and we didn't go out much."  She turned her head in shame over her failed marriage.

"Why did you divorce?"  Henry intruded.

"Many young doctors can't balance marriage and careers.  I neglected him, and he's now with a 22-year-old model from California.  It's okay, I'm happy...Well, I was happy where I was in my life."  Her dead tone was not missed by either man.

"I was married once but she took off with our rival at Blackburn Industries.  He was CEO, so I guess he could offer more, she was one greedy bitch."  Alexander said, and Henry nodded in agreement. 

"Well, I find it sad when some people measure their self worth on their bank account.  I busted my ass in college and medical school.  I gauge my self worth by how many little lives I save.  My parents had money and we were comfortable, but I never understood the importance of material items.  It's unfortunate you met the opposite."  She said.

Alexander nodded in agreement.

Henry listened in and can't help feeling admiration for the woman.  She's beautiful, caring, and she's got brains.

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