This Is Love

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"I'm sorry. I guess we are sharing a room." Blake says as she pulls out some more comfortable clothes from her drawer.

He walks up behind her and wraps his arms around her waist. "Henry, what are you.." She pauses when he moves her hair aside and kisses her neck. "Doing?" She finishes. She tilts her head to the side and gives him more room.

"Kissing my wife." He whispers and she shivers.

"Why?" She breathes out. Damn his intense touch.

"I've known for awhile I'm in love with you, but I couldn't admit it, but now watching you, and knowing you're carrying my child, changes things." He spins her around and pulls her into him. "It's our twisted fate, Blake. I want to be your husband. I don't want other women." His lips came crashing down on hers, and her arms wrap around his neck.

He smiles while kissing his wife as she lets out the tiniest most beautiful moan. Her hands run through his hair as his roam all over her body. He walks her backward until she falls onto the bed, and he lays on top of her looking into her eyes. "I'm a bloody fool, Blake. I'm far from a great man, but I want to be yours and only yours. That's why I went to the restaurant that day." He smiles as he brushes his hair aside. "You're sure?" She asks.

There's a knock on the door. "Yes?" Henry asks. "Justine and I are going for a walk in the grounds. Want to join?" He asks.

"No, in fact, let everyone know we are retiring for the night." He turns back to her and smiles. "I'm positive." His lips crash back down on hers.

"Okay, use protection." Alexander laughs as he walks away, and so does Henry. "If he only knew." Blake laughs at Henry's remark.

"Say you'll be mine?" He asks Blake. "I have been since the beginning." She answers.

He pushes himself up and pulls her up with him. She looked into his eyes as he reaches behind her and unzips her dress, then lets it fall to the floor. She stands there nearly naked as he unclasps her bra, then slides the straps off her arms. Her breasts are exposed to him for the very first time, and he smirks. "How far along?" He just now notices they've grown swollen since he saw her in that bikini.

"Umm... You were there seven weeks ago." He nods and runs his fingers over her erect nipples, then leans in and kisses her and he squeezes her breast.

"You're so beautiful, Blake." He whispers. "I want to see all of you." His fingers hook the sides of her panties, and he kneels as he slides them off of her. He kisses her belly that's still very flat, and she runs her fingers through his hair.

He guides her on to the bed, and is once again staring down at her into those eyes he so easily gets lost into. His hand roams down her side then to her most sensitive spot. She gasps as he enters a finger.

He watches her as she arches her back when he adds a second finger. He massages her walls and her beautiful chest rises and falls.

His lips travel to her nipples and he sucks and nips as she moans. "I want you, Henry." She calls out.

He withdrawals his hand from her and stands as she watches him undress. His eyes never leave hers for a moment. He crawls back on top of her once he's fully exposed. He kisses her thighs, then her stomach, and moves his way up to her lips.

She can feel his tip pressing against her opening as he kisses her with a passion she's never known.

"I mean it when I say I love you, Blake." He stops and looks into her eyes while keeping pressure between her legs with his tip.

"I love you too." She whispers back, and he slides inside of her. A jolt of pleasure went through her body, and he stopped once he was fully inside her. "I want this baby, Blake." He looks down at her and moves the hair from her face.

She nods and holds back her tears. That's what she needed to know.

"I do too." She whispers back, and he pulls out then back in "You're so tight and wet, Jesus." He says as he proceeds to find his pace.

He reaches up with one hand and clasps hers as he leans on his other arm to keep from putting weight on their baby. Little does he know, their baby is safe inside its mother. 

He slowly makes love to his wife for the very first time. Savoring every moment, every thrust, and every moan. "Henry." She breaths out.

His lips crash down on hers as he moves himself in and out of her faster and a little harder. "Jesus, Blake.  I love you." He grunts.

"I love you." She cries out when the pleasure becomes too intense. She moves her body perfectly from under him and wraps her legs around his waist. "You feel so good, Henry."

That motivates him to move faster, both starting to sweat from the intense passion of their lovemaking.

Her muscles clench around his shaft and he can barely hold himself together. "Come with me, please." He begs. He buries his face into the crook of her neck as she begins to climax. "Now, Henry!" he explodes inside her.

He quickly lifts his head and watches as she comes apart underneath him. Every muscle in his body tightens, and he repeats how much he loves her as she whimpers out his name beneath him. Her hips moving in sync with his as she feels his warmth spilling inside her. His body shakes as he comes down from his high, and she can feel him pulsate inside her as exhaustion overtakes her.

He stills and kisses her lips one more time, before rolling off her and laying on his back. He tries to catch his breath, then pulls her close to him so she rests her head on his chest.

"If that's married life, I want it." He kissed the top of her head and squeezed her, as she slowly drifts off the sleep.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now