Haunting Me (Sneak Peek)

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Joey Lattire was offered to a man at a young age

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Joey Lattire was offered to a man at a young age.  Knowing this, she was caught off guard when she met and fell deeply in love with Hudson Engle.

Joey is free-spirited, beautiful, and popular, while Hudson becomes Quarterback and they became the sweetest couple in their high school.

Hudson came to town at seventeen and swept Joey off her feet, but there was one huge problem.  A marriage contract.

After many years of separation, and a huge secret kept from Hudson, can they find their way back to each other?


A new town and a new life.  Yes, that would be the story of my life.  Dad promises this will be a long assignment, and I'll be able to finish high school here in..what is this place?  Denton, Texas, that's right.  It also happens to be my third town since middle school. 

"Hudson, please make sure your room is unpacked by tomorrow.  You've had enough distractions with all these moves, and school starts for you on Monday."

I was laying on my bed throwing my football up and catching it, while I counted the reasons my life sucks.

I left a cute girl back in Louisiana.  Not to mention my football team was headed to State, and I had a job making decent money.  All left behind for my dad's job. I'm not even sure why we have to move, when dad is MIA most of the time anyway.

I got up and unpacked, which meant I got a glimpse of my past in the form of trophies, yearbooks, photos, and other memorabilia.

It's Saturday night in a new town, and I know not even one person.  I sat in the living room completely bored out of my mind.

"Hudson, there's a diner just a few miles away.  Did you see it when we drove into town?" Mom asked.


"I'll call in the order if you'll go pick it up.  We can go to breakfast in the morning, and you can help me at the grocery."

"Sure Mom."

At the very least, I can get out of the house for a few minutes.  I pulled my keys out of my pocket. "Anything else while I'm out, mom?"

"No sweetie. They said it would be ready in 20 minutes, here's some cash." She handed it to me, and I went out the door and toward my 71 Cutlass.  My pride and joy.

I worked on a shrimp boat during the summer in Louisiana, then would wait tables for the same guy who also had a restaurant.  I built this car with my own two hands, and she and I will be together forever.  She's my first love. I fired her up, and she roared to life.  Damn, I love this car.

I parked in front of the tiny diner and was surprised to see all the teenagers hanging out.  This must be the hot spot for teen meet ups and hang outs. 

I didn't even make it inside yet, when a jolt of excitement hit me when I saw the cashier.  I stopped in my tracks and watched through the window.

She wore a pair of black shorts, an apron, and tiny V-neck t-shirt that was snug in all the right places.  Then she lifted her arms to tighten her ponytail, and her soft skin was exposed at her midsection. 

She seemed to be my age, with the most beautiful body and face I've seen in my entire life.  She wore a big and beautiful smile, and her eyes lit up with joy and excitement. 

There are three guys trying to catch her attention, but she's either too naive to see it, or she's ignoring them. 

I opened the door and walked in trying not to show any interest.  "Hi, can I help you?" Even her voice sounds like an angel.

"Yes, I have an order for Engle."

"Engle?  You're new to town aren't you?" She was reaching for a paper bag under the counter.

"Yeah, we just moved this weekend."

She turned and grabbed some styrofoam containers from the counter, grabbed a ticket off the spinning wheel, and returned with a smile.

"Will you be a junior or a senior?" She asked as she bagged up my order.


"Good, you'll be with me.  Do you know anyone in town yet?"

She's perky.

"No, you're actually the first one I've met."

She stuck her hand out.  "I'm Josephine Lattire, but my friends call me Joey."

"It's nice to meet you, Josephine. I'm Hudson Engle."

Her hand is so soft and warm.  "It's Joey, you do need a friend, right?"

"Dude, watch out for this one!  We all call her trouble." A stalky guy that just walked up said to me.

"Joel, you'll scare him off, now stop it."

He turned to me and offered a handshake.  "I couldn't help but overhear.  I'm Joel Lakewood, and by the looks of you, we might be playing some ball together this year."

"Only if there's room on the team," I responded.

"Dude, you're kidding, right?  We have the smallest team in the state and need every player we can get."

"That's good to hear.  Thanks, man." He shook my hand again.

"Hey guys, he's going to be on the team." He announced to the other guys.

"Well hell yeah!"

"About damn time."

"Look out State, here we come."

Damn, this might just work out okay after all.

"I'm guessing you moved into the Kirkwood house on Sunnyside Drive?" Joey asked.

"I'm on Sunnyside, but I'm not sure who lived there before us," I answered.

"Your total is 17.78." She said with a smile. and I gave her a twenty.

"Keep the change," I said.

"Oh, wow, thanks.  I'll be sure not to spend it in one place.  I'll save it for gas money when you take me out." She winked and I was surprised.

"When I take you out?"

"Yeah, I'll let you know when I get my schedule." She just smiled like it's no big deal.

"Joey already has her sights on her next victim!" The guys standing around us laughed.

"Doug, don't be a prick!" She responded, and I have no clue what the hell is happening.

"No man, she's a real gem, just don't let her drive." Joel patted me on the back.

"Joel, you're just jealous I have a car." She teased back.

Joel leaned into my ear.  "She's a good girl, but a tease.  You won't get past first base." He shook his head with a shit eating grin and walked away.

"Well, I better get this home.  I'll see you all later."

"Okay, I'll let you know when you can make that tip up to me." Joey hopped up on the counter and crossed her arms.  I just nodded my head and left.

The completed book is available in my profile!

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