The Wonderful Mr. Chapman

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Henry stood with the same scowl on his face as earlier when Alexander joined him.

"I just saw her, and you're going to be knocked on your ass. She's stunning." Alexander said as he stood there with a smile on his face. "I'd gladly switch places." He added as he played with the rings in his hand that Mateo just handed him.

Henry shifted, but didn't lose his cool demeanor as his family's old friend and his new bride's uncle came into view. He's yet to have seen his fake fiancè.

Blake took a deep nervous breath as her uncle walked her out to the garden. She could see the man she saw earlier thinking he was her fake fiancè, a little disappointed, then she kicked herself. Why does it matter? It's just on paper anyway.

Then as everyone shifted, another much larger and much more handsome man came into her view.

She gasped, and her uncle let out a small chuckle and pat her hand. The man has light brown hair, blue eyes that pop out in the rare London sun, he was tall like his father with a chiseled jawline, and perfectly formed lips. He was handsome, or in Justines terms, he was fucking hot as hell. The only thing that was missing was a smile.

She could understand the scowl on his face that had not changed since he came into her view.

"Who gives this woman to this man?" The priest asked.

"Her grandmother and I do." The Duke answered, and placed her hand in the larger cold one of her future husband. He didn't even smile at her, but she doesn't care. They turned to the man in front of them and held hands as instructed.

It was quiet, no tears of joy like at her first wedding when her mother sobbed during her vows. All that could be heard was the Priests voice and their answers, swearing to God their intentions and promise of unity to last into eternity.

The shocking electric pulse his hand provider, suddenly eased her as he gave her a brief squeeze. He has yet barely looked at her, but maybe this is his way of saying he understands her shaking hand and cracky voice.

They turn to the crowd and were announced as Mr. and Mrs. Henry Chapman. Her relief of no first kiss was evident on her face as they walked toward the house. The small intimate affair was over, she was now safe, but is she really? She knows nothing about this man or any of these people.  When the CIA says you're in danger, you should listen.

Henry stood there fuming at the sight of his new bride. She is stunning, beautiful really, and it pissed him off. The feeling of holding her hand, sent an electric impulse through his body. He had not even considered the possibility that she could have been so damn fucking gorgeous. Her brown hair looked soft and beautiful with its natural dark blond highlights, her eyes gray with a hint of silver sparkle, and the dark blue outline was intense. He couldn't even look at the woman.

Her breasts were full, and her figure was not at all anything you'd find on a girl. She was all woman, that was clear. Her tanned skin was soft when the Duke placed her small hand in his much larger callused hand.

He mentally scolded himself for giving her shaky hand a reassuring squeeze. The last thing he wanted to do was give her any kind of reassurance that things were going to be okay.

Once the vows were said, and the necessary papers signed, they slid into the backseat of the family car and she only stared at the scenery as their driver made their way to his home.

He cleared his throat. "There will be rules in my home. Don't think this will be a walk in the park dear. I was not pleased when your four-legged, slobbering and shedding mutt was delivered. You are to make sure he is never in my way, and he's properly cared for because I will not stand for his fur to be on my clothes.

Don't get any kind of hope that I will be a loving and doting husband. I will be late nearly every evening, so don't count on me being around for dinners.

When we have an event, I expect you to be punctual. I will not wait while you spend hours getting ready. Stay out if my office and my bedroom, both are off limits. You will have your own room, and if you want an office of your own, we can have one arranged. I don't care if you work, but you will maintain a private and professional image.  I will not travel to the States with you. If you want to visit home, do it on your own time.

My personal life is just that, personal. I'll respect your personal life, as long as you respect mine." He finished, but she didn't even acknowledge she heard a word he said.

He focused his attention to his phone, and when the car came to a stop in front of the massive home, she was relieved to be out of his presence. He was an arrogant prick and she cannot wait to retire to her room.

"I'll be leaving you now. I have things to do at work today." He didn't even show her into "their" home. She was greeted by a middle-aged English woman that introduced herself as Edith. She showed her around, and Blake didn't care to do anything but have some quiet time alone. She retired to her bedroom for the evening.

Worst wedding day in history, and thank God it's over.

Henry arrived at his office, only to be given judgemental stares from his staff. He sat at his desk, and after only a few short minutes, he received a text from Mateo.

Mateo: What are you doing at the office? I may be your father, but I'm also your superior. Blake is in a foreign country and all alone. You are to go to her and show her London. Pay some attention to that beautiful bride of yours, and make the best of this situation.

Henry: I will do no such thing. I have work that needs to be done, and I never said I would be a good husband.

Mateo: You are suspended until further notice. Until I see that you are taking care of your wife, you are not to work!

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