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Blake is scared to death, but she tries to hide it from Henry.  Little does she know, Henry has learned how she tries to spare his feelings.  He has a temper, which is also becoming hard for him to hide.

Gina paces and chews that thumbnail she always does when she's upset.  Mateo pulls her into his arms as they all stand in the den.

"We should take them into hiding."  Mateo only wants to protect his family.

"I don't feel that's necessary at this point.  You have the best operatives and security in the world.  I don't recommend leaving your homes unless necessary." Jake says.

"Justine and I should be able to leave?" Alexander secretly hopes he is trapped in the house with the girl of his dreams.

"I believe you're too close.  Justine could be used to get to Blake, and you are too close to your uncle and cousin." Alexander won't fight the man on the issue.

"Henry, we need a blood sample from you, Alexander, and Justine so we can identify the drugs in your system." 

"I can do the draw if you have the supplies."  Blake volunteered, knowing her sister has a fear of needles.

"One of the agents outside has the supplies and can supervise if you don't mind." He chuckled. "I forgot my sister is a doctor.  It's amazing." He shook his head with amazement that his long lost little sister is so successful.  He called the agents outside and had the supplies brought inside.

The family was introduced to a few agents which were a mixture of CIA and MI6. 

She sat down with Henry, and he rolled up his sleeve.  "I'm so sorry, Blake.  This was supposed to be over."

She wiped his arm with an alcohol pad.

"This is out of your control, and I set everything into motion with that DNA test."

"Without that DNA test you wouldn't be my wife and that baby wouldn't exist.  That DNA test saved me from my own destruction." He stopped her from working and took her hand.

"I love you, and we will get to start our life together soon." Blake can't believe this is the same man she met just months ago. 

"I love you, Henry." She leaned in and pecked his lips, before getting the needle ready.

"Did you notice any funny tastes in your mouth or any other side effects?" She asked him, in hopes he can give her a clue of what drug was used.

"No, just tired, and I have a headache." He answered as she punctured his vein and watched as the blood traveled down the tube. 

The agent supervising wasn't amused by their tender moments.  Blake is beautiful, and like any man, he envies Henry.

"Sorry, I don't have a sticker." She smirks, and he's puzzled.

"My patients usually need a reward." She says as she puts a band-aid over his puncture wound.

"That's not fair, Mrs. Chapman.  I totally deserve a reward." He smacked her behind as she walked away to throw out the discarded supplies.

The agent just rolled his eyes at their playfulness, which does go unnoticed.

"We will talk about rewards later.  Will you send in my next victim?" She requests, and he nods before pulling her into him. 

"I'm counting on that reward." He says just before he kissed her.  She pulled her head back and smiled.

"I'll be up in a bit." One last peck told him it was time to walk away.  God bless her pregnancy hormones.  He can see that spark of lust in her eyes. 

Blake moved through her next two patients, and Henry decides to have another talk with Mateo and Jake.  Not that his reward wasn't on his mind, but he does have some major responsibilities. 

Henry gets a good vibe from his brother-in-law, but has asked his father to have his contacts send him confirmation of the man's identity just to be safe.  Nothing in this world is more important than the safety of his wife and child.

After finishing his business downstairs, he went up to their bedroom where she had just gotten out of the shower. 

He wonders how long it will take for the fact that he gets to love this woman for the rest of his life to sink into his mind

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He wonders how long it will take for the fact that he gets to love this woman for the rest of his life to sink into his mind.  He is amazed by her and by her touch. 

He sits on the bed and watches as she rubs lotion on her legs.  It's a view that takes his breath away.

The thought of anyone trying to hurt his bride makes his blood boil in anger.  He thanks God that her drink wasn't drugged, which left him curious.  Why wasn't her water drugged?

Whoever tried to hurt her didn't want to give her an easy death, unless this person knows she's pregnant and wanted her kidnapped and not killed.

He watched with a smirk as she dressed in a t-shirt and panties.  It's such a waste of her time, because clothes do not fit in with the plans he has for her tonight.

"Come here, " he motions her over, and she gives him a sexy smile.  She climbs on him and straddles him.  He pushed her wet hair behind her, and she looked down at him with that same glimmer of lust he loves to see in her eyes.

"You're so beautiful." He says just in case he forgot today. 

"You're not so bad, Chap." He notices that she has never called him by his nickname.

"How are you feeling?" He asked, because he knows she is hiding her fear.

"Well, I have a family back in the states, my brother and sister are here, I'm married to you, carrying your baby, and I'm in your arms.  I have to say I'm happy." She leaves out that she's scared.

"I don't want you to worry.  I will make sure you and the baby both are safe.  I know you're scared, but you have a lot of protection put into place."

She tilts her head and smiles.  "I know I'm safe, as long as I'm in your arms." She leaned down and kissed her husband.

It didn't take long for Henry to show her how much he loves her, and Blake melts into his arms, thankful for his touch.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now