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Blake had changed into the only comfortable clothes she owned. Nothing she had at this point was as comfortable and casual as what she had at home. Her only option was a satin short and tank set. She missed home, Justine, her work, and even Dr. McSleezy would be a more welcoming sight.

She sat at her vanity brushing her hair when the door opened. She jumped up, and Henry had that same scowl on his face until he saw what she was wearing. His throat bobbed as his eyes scanned her from head to toe.

"Ever heard of knocking?" She asked as she went for her robe then slid it on. "Are you deaf?" She asked as she tied the robe shut.

"" He shook out of his thoughts.

"Another rule, dress appropriately." He crossed his arms in front of him.

"In my own room where I'm supposed to have privacy? You need to knock before entering. You also need to lose that attitude, Mr. Chapman. I hate this situation probably more than you, so cut the shit." She snapped.

"Believe me, dear. There's nobody that hates this more than me, and thanks to you I'm being forced to spend time at home. You just had to call good old Mateo and complain that I left you at home alone on our fake wedding day?" He asked.

She started at him cluelessly. "I didn't call anyone, and believe me, I was more than happy to stay here alone. Whatever you face with your dad is your own problem and has nothing to do with me. Remember, dear, I was brought here against my will." She said.

She was so angry, he can see her chest rise and fall quickly.

"Another thing, this is my private space. I have a few rules of my own, and I demand you to follow them. First, my room is off limits to you. If you need me, you can knock. Secondly, you will not speak to me with so much disrespect, and lastly, my eyes are up here, and that's where yours will focus. Just because I was forced to marry you, doesn't make me your property. From what I understand, I own half of what you own, so my rules will also be respected." She said.

He grinned. "Sorry Love, but you've been misinformed. As long as you are here, you are a guest in my home." He said.

Her blood boiled with anger and lunged at him. She pushed him out of her room and slammed the door shut, only to lock it behind him.

He stood outside her room with a satisfied grin on his face, but when he turned around, he thought back to the image he saw when he first walked into her room. Things would be much easier if the woman was ugly.  He decided to change into his workout clothes and take his frustrations out in his gym, since his usual options are off limits for the time being.

Blake loafed in her bed frustrated, lonely, and scared. Tomorrow will be a better day she told herself. She sat up and threw her covers off in frustration. She remembered seeing a gym and decided to take her anger out on a punching bag. She changed into the only workout clothes Gina bought and reminded herself to go shopping soon.

She quietly made her way to the gym and was relieved to find it vacant. She started on the punching bag, but realized she isn't much of a boxer when the damn thing rocked back hitting her in the face then knocked her down to her ass. She heard a chuckle and looked up only to find the man from earlier. The one that stood next to Henry during their ceremony.

"Can I help you?" She asked as the man stood there staring.

"You just missed your husband." He scratched the back of his neck.

"That's the best thing that happened to me all day." She answered.

He chuckled. "I'm Alexander Wainscott, CFO of Chapman Industries. Also known as your husband's best friend and cousin." He stuck his hand out to shake hers.

She hesitantly took it and gave it a shake. "I'm sure Chap didn't give you the best welcome and I'm sorry about that, he's complicated. He will come around eventually. Would you like some pointers on the punching bag?" He pointed at the equipment and she shrugged her shoulders. "Suit yourself."

Henry stood in the shower trying not to think about his beautiful wife. How is he supposed to sleep in this house knowing that infuriating beauty is under the same roof? He wrapped a towel around his waist and walked out of the shower to get dressed. Throwing on just some jeans and a v-neck so he can have a few drinks in his den with Alexander.

Barefooted and walking the halls, he heard voices in the gym. He wasn't expecting to see what he did. Alexander holding the bag and Blake punching and kicking, while his friend coached her. Damn, she does have some strength and obviously some spunk.

He laughed when she gave it one kick which Alexander wasn't expecting, and the bag hit him causing him to fall backward.

Blake stopped and stared at her new husband unamused. She walked over and helped Alexander up and apologized. "I'm going to hit the shower. Thanks Alexander, it was nice to meet you." She pushed past Henry and he glared at his cousin.

"What do you think you're doing?" He crossed his arms. "I don't remember flirting with your cousin's wife as the proper thing to do on his wedding day."

Alexander glared back. "I don't remember treating your bride like a sack of shit as proper either." They shoot daggers at each other.

"She's off limits," Henry said as he walked away, and Alexander followed.

"What is your problem? She's gorgeous, and if you talk to her she's intriguing. You've got the world by the balls right now, and you're fucking up royally." He said.

"One woman, Alexander  I'm tied down, my freedom is gone, and she's as cold as ice." Henry said as he poured two shots of tequila. "You can't tell me you want to be in these pitiful shoes." He said.

Alexander laughed. "I'd do almost anything to look at that for the rest of my life. If you actually take the time to meet her, you would find out she's about as close to perfect a man could get in a wife. I'd be knocking her up left and right. Jesus, she's an angel." He said.

Alexander wished his Uncle would have given him the opportunity to marry the woman. Henry didn't deserve such beauty.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now