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Months ago, Henry taught Blake how to properly give the punching bag a good workout.  Henry is lifting weights, but he can't take his eyes off his wife. 

Alexander is spotting him, and that's a blessing, when Henry loses his grip on the weights because of his wife distracting him. 

Alexander now knows first hand just how just how distracting the Russo sisters are to a man.  Justine has become the center of his world.

After a good workout, she excuses herself for breakfast and then a shower.  With the distraction gone, Alexander finds it the best time to talk to Henry.

"Justine is growing restless and needs a trip outside this house." He says, and Henry agrees, but his wife is his priority.  Both men are also growing restless.

Ivan Stepanov has been identified as the man who ordered the threat against Blake.  From what the authorities managed to learn, it sounds like the man is a radical leftist that wants the Romanov bloodline to end. 

He must know about the pregnancy and his goal is clearer than ever.  The man regrets sending his men to kidnap the heiress, because he should have just ordered her assassination. 

He made that mistake because of seeing the woman and allowing himself to feel pity for her.  This could have been done and over by now, but he allowed that pity to make a regretful decision.

Over the last few months, Henry had a safe room built for his family.  There is nothing he wouldn't do to keep Blake safe.  For the first and last time in his life, he is in love and knows the value of his wife's life is much greater than his own.

As the threats grow more desperate, Mateo grows restless.  He wants this man taken out at any price. He has hired men of his own to search for the man that threatens to kill his family. 

Ivan sits in the office of his organization's hidden facility.  He stares at the photo of a woman that stole his heart.  Then again at the young one who is the spitting image of her mother.

He was in love with Waverly his entire life and forced to watch in the background as she attached herself to the one man that would kill her.  Their union put them on the radar, but then she gave birth to the child that caused her death. 

Any royal blood that mixed with hers, signed Waverly's death certificate.  He hates Maxwell and grew to hate Waverly.  He did not order their deaths and actually begged that only Maxwell die, but Waverly would have died for her daughter.

"We need to make a move." He said to his right-hand man. He is growing desperate, because he is afraid if he doesn't do it soon, he will back out of the job he was given.

"She is too heavily guarded, we won't stand a chance." The man reminds him.

"I want a plan drawn up and brought to me by sundown." He gives the man a strict look.  He stands and exits the room to go to his apartment within the compound.

Back in London, the army of men on the case, is devising a plan to bring Ivan out into the public.  They have eyes and ears everywhere waiting for their opportunity.  This is not a peace keeping case, it's an assassination.

Mateo and Henry are angry there hasn't been a move in months, and the two men leave the meeting disappointed. 

"Blake is five months pregnant and needs her freedom back before the baby comes.  Find him or I'll do it myself." He is overconfident about his own strength.

"You are no soldier, son.  A few bar fights I had to cover up, does not qualify you for war.  Your only job is to stay with Blake and your child in case they need your protection." Mateo reasons with his son, knowing it's going in one ear and out the other.

"We brought her here with the promise our marriage would solve her situation.  We failed her, and owe it to her to get these things done." Henry's frustration is apparent.

They worked in the den for what felt like hours.  Henry wants his wife in his arms constantly, proving he is obsessed with his wife. 

Her doctor is coming today to give her, her first ultrasound.  They agreed to be surprised by the baby's sex, but it's driving Henry insane. 

Once he was alerted the doctor had arrived, he made his way upstairs to join his wife.

The doctor set up the machine with the assistants help, then he instructed Blake to lay down on the bed.  Moments later, her husband walked in and laid down on the bed next to her.  She worries the scan will reveal the baby's sex to her, but she's excited to see what's been growing inside her.

First, they heard the strong little heartbeat, then an image came up on screen.  It wasn't what Henry had expected.

  It wasn't what Henry had expected

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"What's wrong, Henry?" 

"Is it supposed to look so evil?" He tilts his head in curiosity, and Blake laughs.

"That's because of the position." She assures him, but the doctor moves the wand and a much better view came up on the screen.

" She assures him, but the doctor moves the wand and a much better view came up on the screen

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Blake becomes emotional at what she is seeing.  The doctor assures them the baby looks to be healthy, and Henry lets out a breath he was holding.

The Doctor is aware they don't want to know the sex and only quickly looks in that general direction, but Blake turned her head.  She has seen enough scans, so she has a trained eye.

Henry kisses her cheek, and the salty taste of her tear reminded him of how much this baby means to his wife.

"I can't believe we created that, Blake.  I love you so much." Blake can hear his emotion and turned her head to kiss his cheek. 

Henry and Blake both are in love with the image on the screen, but each day their love for each other grows.

The playboy, turned husband and father, feels content for the first time in his life.

Blake's Twisted Fate (A Completed Steamy, Romance)Where stories live. Discover now